19 Must-Have Gems for 2020

Rob Race
3 min readMay 19, 2020


An application can only be as good as the features it is providing for its end-users. Every developer toes the line between indiscriminately adding gems and building new functionality themselves. When time is of the essence, these are the gems I reach for:

  • local_time — An relatively older gem and stable, but this is a gem that includes a view helper and javascript helper to display relative time (i.e. ‘updated 2 minutes ago’)
  • Devise- Devise is still the go-to gem for authentication in most Rails apps. Its ease of use and existing features make it dead-simple to add authentication. For those looking for a simpler gem with a smaller footprint, Authlogic gets a runner up in this list for authentication.
  • Interactor — When you start to follow the Service Object pattern, adding Interactor can help guide the context and result of those objects through a common interface.
  • Rolify and cancancan - Rolify allows us to assign roles such as User or Admin then CanCanCan will enable us to take those roles and apply authorization policies. However, there is a case for Pundit for those who like the Policy Object approach’s simplicity.
  • Lockbox — When you need to encrypt data in your database for compliance or even client security…



Rob Race

Writing an eBook for Building a SaaS in Rails 6(https://BuildASaaSAppinRails.com). A step-by-step guide on how to build a SaaS(Software as a Service) app.