Mintzberg’s 10 managerial roles

Rob Cahill
Rob the Manager
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2017

This post continues the discussion of the work by professor Henry Mintzberg, a leading management thinker (e.g., he believes “management effectiveness can only be judged in context”).

In his 1989 book, Mintzberg on Management: Inside our Strange World of Organizations, he argues that managerial work falls into one of 10 typical roles. These 10 roles are listed below. Note that a manager typically plays more than one role at once (for better or worse, I have found myself playing all 10).

Interpersonal roles:

1. Figurehead

2. Leader

3. Liaison

Informational roles:

4. Monitor

5. Disseminator

6. Spokesman

Decision roles:

7. Entrepreneur

8. Disturbance handler

9. Resource allocator

10. Negotiator

Which role(s) do you play today? Which should you do more of? Less of? How can these roles inform your company’s management development programs?

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Rob Cahill
Rob the Manager

I write about leadership and the future. Founder/CEO at Jhana, VP at FranklinCovey. Formerly McKinsey, Sunrun, Stanford.