Bitcomo: A CPA Network Using Blockchain Technology

rob fox
3 min readDec 27, 2017


Blockchain payment platforms have revolutionized the world of conducting business and trade online in a global business environment. What began as a simple and secure method for individuals to make anonymous payments online has grown into a thriving market sector of its own, giving rise to numerous digital currencies and blockchain payment platforms worldwide. Blockchain has certainly contributed to the security and anonymity of processing payments, and until Bitcomo, there hasn’t been much development of the greater potential that blockchain has for other markets, such as online advertising.

Blockchains are named for the visualization of the concept itself as a chain of individual blocks of information, or records, that store the relevant information about individual historical payment transactions over time. Each block is a link in the so called chain, in which transaction specific records are chronologically stored, providing a probable record of past transactions. The security and anonymity of such platforms comes from the sophistication of the algorithms used to encrypt and store data, so that large amounts of computing resources are required to unlock and decipher the blocks. Bitcomo has tapped into the concept of blockchains for both mining important data about users and securing transactions between companies, advertisers, and affiliates.

Online commerce opened up an entire new realm for advertisers that is truly a gold mine. Getting exposure for a product or service is a simple matter of putting an advertisement on a screen in front of a user. Then when the user performs an action after the click, a payout is distributed. Pay per click and pay per action gave rise to a massive rush of advertising. The market of online advertising is growing every year and has become a huge market. Bitcomo plans to become a dominant contender in the large world of online advertising and CPA, also known as cost per action.

Bitcomo Changes the Landscape

With the rise of blockchain payment platforms, blocks of data in the chain were initially there simply to store the proof of a transaction in a manner that could be accessed and shown without compromising sensitive information about the parties to a particular transaction. It became possible to know when and where money was being spent on which products or services. Bitcomo can use this information to assist advertisers without compromising secure and sensitive information such as identity and account numbers. With its own dedicated blockchain platform, Bitcomo can facilitate secure transactions between companies, affiliates, and advertisers. Parties can prove important facts such as which specific actions users are taking in response to certain advertisements, and whether or not advertisers are getting paid for their successful efforts rather than blindly paying out on a per click basis.

Bitcomo offers accurate and relevant marketing data and secure transactions to its users, both advertisers and sellers as well as affiliates. Bitcomo’s platform also provides a secure method of transacting business between these entities so that they know what their advertising dollars are doing at any given time. The payments are made using Bitcomo’s own digital currency tokens. They are a decentralized CPA platform that uses smart contract algorithms to change the future of advertising!

See their website and whitepaper links:

My wallet address: 0x895cd0fB37a313Dc2fdB8beda6944f7F10c36d47

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