Veritas Mining: A Sustainable Crypto-Mining Company

rob fox
2 min readDec 23, 2017



Mining cryptocurrency has become a very profitable endeavor. With prices skyrocketing, there has never been a better time to get involved. Veritas Mining is an innovative, eco-friendly, and cost efficient operation. They have partnered with green and renewable energy sources to construct their mine sites, using solar, wind, and bio gas to power them. By keeping operating costs down, they have developed a very profitable plan.

Veritium tokens are available for purchase if you would like to invest. The best thing about being a token holder is that you will receive sixty percent of the net profits to be paid out quarterly in Ethereum. A marketplace and wallet platform are also in development to exchange or trade veritium tokens.

Some of the coins that will be mined include Bitcoin, Dash, Monero, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ubiq. There is also potential to mine some other smaller alt coins. Another point of interest is that they are in talks to have their token listed on major exchanges. This is great news for the tradability of the tokens. The operation is based in Thailand which is great for profitablity due to lower costs than United States operations. With the help of a large green energy company, they are able to purchase energy surplus for as low as 0.028/kWh to 0.035/kWh. The mining sites have an area that is around 160,000 square meters, and have an estimated 55MWh of energy to work with.

One other great aspect of this team is that they are also creating a Ponos Mining software application. This would allow normal users to mine for cryptocurrency when their computers are idle. A program will benchmark the hardware, and then choose the most profitable and efficient coin to mine. Many people today do not understand mining, this application will make it easy for anyone to get started.

Vidulum is the wallet that is being created to store cryptocurrencies. Features planned include two factor authentication, use of secure sockets layer certificates, SMS validation, and secure private key. 75% of the funds raised are planned to go towards hardware purchases. Since the token being offered by Veritas Mining is not mineable, it should appreciate in value. Also, they plan to increase in scale as time goes by, so this should end up being a great investment. Get started today by checking out their website and further details about the token sale. Make sure to read their whitepaper as well!

