PPP#2: Flutter resources

Robbe Buyle
2 min readNov 23, 2019

Finding clear, helpful and correct resources can be difficult when learning a new programming language or framework. I’ve made a list of the most helpful sources I found helpful during my time learning Flutter.

Complete basics

If you’re thinking about learning Dart as your first programming language, you’ll need to start at the beginning. Learning what data types are, classes, models, functions, and so on, are necessary to completely understand what you’re learning.

  • Flutter Crash Course: Installation, programming basics and Flutter development.

UI building

Looking to build a stylish UI in Flutter? Look no further than these 2 speed-coding channels to inspire you.

Marcus NG: Speed coding & UI development

Devefy: Speed coding


If you’re already familiar with Flutter but want to take your dev-skills to the next-level, these are the ones to watch.

  • Fireship: Web-dev and Flutter tutorials. Definitely check out his video about state-management!
  • FilledStacks: Flutter-only specific topics
  • Official Flutter YouTube Channel: short tips & tricks


These are resources that expect you to have knowledge of programming in general and focus on teaching you a ‘good starter-pack’.

Reso Coder

Flutter features



