PPP#6: Flutter Interact 2019 Recap

Robbe Buyle
3 min readDec 14, 2019

Did you miss the latest Flutter Interact 2019 livestream? No worries! Here are some of my favorite announcements.

Flutter 1.12

The latest version of Flutter is already available today. Some of the new features include:

  • Google Fonts support
  • Dark mode support for iOS 13
  • Default androidX support for new projects (THANK YOU)
  • Reworked Flutter Gallery app to try out new widgets

Flutter on the desktop

Desktop support has reached alpha-level quality for building native MacOs apps.

Flutter for the web

During the presentation, Tim Sneath (Group Product Manager) hammered on the fact that Flutter for the web is exactly the same framework as the one you’ve been using to create mobile apps. The Dart language was designed from the beginning with the web in mind, so you can compile your apps with the same codebase.

Web support hit the Beta milestone and is ready for active development! We’re still working on performance, desktop and browser compatibility but we’re ready for you to give it a try! -Tim Sneath

Flare -> Rive

Flare, the animation library from 2Dimensions, has rebranded itself to Rive. There is now support for Flutter web, and new effects such as shadows, masks and glows. You can now import an After Effects file directly in to Flare*kuch* … Rive, because of the Lottie support.

New DartPad

The dart-editor has been completely revamped. It features a way more modern look and has support to be embedded! This is extremely helpful for the flutter documentation or helping others on the forums.

It now also includes the Flutter framework, so user can quickly test out widgets without implementing them in your own project. Some basic example are included, such as the default counter you get when you initially create your project.

New DartPad with counter sample opened

UI Generators

During the presentation, they showed of Supernova, a design-tool that generates dart code. When you create a component in Supernova, it shows all the widget options so you can easily see what some code might do even before implementing it. It also features hot reload on save!

The folks over at Adobe showed of their new Adobe XD plugin that generates Dart code for each reusable component, also supported with hot reload. You can also overwrite data that the designer has given by adjusting the properties of the component on the fly, super cool!

