Build a Great QA Competency Framework — Part 3

Using the Framework to Grow your Team

Robbie Falck
9 min readSep 6, 2023
Photo by Muha Ajjan on Unsplash

This is the third of a three-part blog series on how to build a great competency framework. In the first two parts we discussed building a fully functional competency framework with defined roles, competencies and categories. Part 3 is broken down into two areas: Firstly, we delve into how team members can practically perform a competency review, giving them a clear idea of their current progression. Secondly, we use that review to incorporate competencies into a formal performance review process aimed at helping managers grow teams.

👫 How a Team Member can Apply the Framework:

Performing a Competency Review

I’m a firm believer that at any point in someone’s career they should have a clear idea of where they currently are and how they are progressing. Performing a competency review and creating a living document of your own progression is a great way to achieve this.

As a team member, start by creating a copy of the finished competency framework built…



Robbie Falck

QA Lead @ Moneybox, taking on the world of software testing, one bug at a time!