Published inTruebitMerryMerkle: How the Crypto Community Raised $200K for a Homeless Youth Shelter in 10 DaysOver the 2017 holidays, we kicked off the MerryMerkle giving initiative, a broad mission to engage the crypto community to fund charitable…Jan 31, 20181Jan 31, 20181
Published inTruebitInteractive Coin Offering — A Protocol ExplainedThe majority of token sales to date have been met with some form of criticism. This indicates there has yet to be a protocol developed that…Sep 27, 20175Sep 27, 20175
Vipassana Continued: 3 Day Sit and ServeI attended the Vipassana Center in Egbert, Ontario for a three day service period (preparing the center/kitchen/accommodations for 100…Apr 19, 2017Apr 19, 2017
Covenant House: Sleep Out Next GenerationI looked outside with apprehension — pouring rain, dreary skies and a temperature of 2 degrees. I was participating in the Covenant House…Apr 16, 2017Apr 16, 2017
How to Build a Mental Fitness RoutineOver the past two years, I’ve realized how important it is to dedicate time to mental health exercises — everybody recognizes the…Apr 4, 20172Apr 4, 20172
Questions to Work Your Subconscious, Personal Limitations and CreativitySubconscious Free Flow Writing (Morning Pages): Longhand Writing is an amazing tool for creativity. This is the other method of writing I…Mar 31, 20171Mar 31, 20171
Energy Harvesting: Where is the OpportunityA few months ago we attended the IDTechX Energy Harvesting Conference. Through discussions with a number of analysts and a masterclass, a…Nov 18, 2016Nov 18, 2016
Customer Development in the Energy Harvesting SpaceBusiness Models — Sounds like a vague business school term, right?… but when you’re building components, you need to think ahead. It’s a…Nov 18, 2016Nov 18, 2016
How to Growth Hack a Conference as a Start-up with a Minimal BudgetLast week, we started talking about our technology publicly for the first time at the IDTechEX Conference in Europe. The conference is…Nov 18, 2016Nov 18, 2016
Why You Should Try Something NewIt always starts the same way. I see something I want to do and I get excited about it. It usually happens around a skill that I want to…Apr 8, 20161Apr 8, 20161