Robbie Whitinginretro futureLet’s add a DOS game to Enigma 1/2Here’s what we’re going to do: add a DOS game to an Enigma 1/2 BBS instance running on Ubuntu 20.04.Apr 20, 20211Apr 20, 20211
Robbie WhitingDo I need blockchain? A cheat sheet.I wrote this as a quick reference for your next brainstorming session when blockchain invariably comes up (and trust me, it will).Feb 12, 2019Feb 12, 2019
Robbie WhitinginVirtual Reality PopGoogle Accidentally CC’d The Entire Daydream Platform Developer List And What Happened Next Was…The contents of the email were cool enough:Jan 25, 20178Jan 25, 20178
Robbie WhitinginJunior WritesThe Memory ObservatoryA multi-sensory physical experience, only at SXSWMar 8, 2016Mar 8, 2016
Robbie WhitinginJunior WritesStop starting and start finishing.There’s a phrase that might be familiar to you if you’re into agile methodology stuff: stop starting and start finishing. I quite like…Nov 10, 201525Nov 10, 201525