Top 5 carnivore diet mistakes

Ketogenic Endurance
5 min readMar 3, 2023


The carnivore diet, which emphasizes only animal-based products and excludes all plant-based foods, has become increasingly common in recent years. Some people are able to thrive on this regimen, while others have a much more difficult time finding their balance. Throughout this paper, I’ll be discussing the top 5 errors that carnivores make. We hope that those thinking about or presently following a carnivore diet will benefit from our analysis of these common blunders and sharing of personal experiences and suggestions.

If you are worried about struggling on a carnivore diet, I would recommend joining the 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge.

Mistake #1: Inadequate fat intake

Insufficient fat intake is a frequent blunder among those on a carnivore diet. The body needs fat for many reasons; it’s a protein that keeps us going, helps keep our hormones in check, and is crucial for our skin, hair, and nails.

Many people avoid eating fat because they believe it will make them obese. However, fat is the major source of energy on a carnivore diet, and sufficient consumption is required for satiety and general health.

I can attest to the health advantages of a high-fat omnivore diet because I have adopted it myself. Not only did my skin clear up, but I also felt more satiated after eating.

Thus, if you are just beginning a carnivore diet, don’t be shy about loading up on healthful fats. You may find that you have more energy and your general health improves as a result.

Mistake #2: Relying solely on pricey cuts of meat

The idea that you can only follow a carnivorous diet if you can afford to consume steaks and other high-end cuts of meat is a common myth. The fact is that this is not the case. True, some cuts of beef can be quite pricey, but there are plenty of inexpensive alternatives that don’t have to sacrifice quality.

Cheaper cuts of meat, such as ground beef or poultry thighs, have been praised by some carnivore dieters. These pieces are often cheaper, and they can be both flexible and simple to prepare.

Personally, I feel fantastic after a meal of ground meat. It’s cheap, quick to make, and incredibly tasty. Don’t be reluctant to experiment with various cuts of beef until you find one that suits your needs and your wallet.

Mistake #3: Inadequate planning

When first starting out on a carnivore diet, many people make the rookie error of not having a plan for knowing where to get their meat. Even though it’s convenient to pick up a box of meat at the supermarket, you should give some thought to where it came from and how the animal was treated before it was slaughtered.

Find local farms or butchers who can supply high-quality, grass-fed, and pasture-raised meat by doing some research in advance. This helps promote environmentally friendly agricultural methods and guarantees healthier, antibiotic- and hormone-free meat.

One must not only plan ahead for the price and availability of high-quality meat, but also for the best supplier of that meat. High-quality meat is more expensive than cheaper cuts, but it can have a positive effect on your health in the long term. It’s best to budget accordingly, and stock up or search for discounts to make the price more manageable.

A healthy and viable carnivore diet can be achieved through careful planning and investigation of reliable sources of high-quality meat.

Mistake #4: Shift gradually

The failure to correctly transition into a carnivore diet is a common pitfall for those just starting out. Those whose normal diet consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, and grains may experience negative health effects when they transition to a diet consisting solely of meat.

Many people experience symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues during the adaptation period, which can be challenging. Because of this, you might feel discouraged and want to give up on the diet entirely.

To keep from making this error, experts advise switching to a diet that contains fewer carbohydrates and more protein over time. In doing so, you’ll help your body adjust more smoothly and lessen the likelihood of experiencing any negative side effects. An effective and long-lasting transition to a carnivore diet may require several weeks or months of careful planning and preparation.

Mistake #5: Too much salt

When first starting out on a carnivore diet, many people make the error of placing too much emphasis on electrolytes. Sodium and potassium are two examples of electrolytes that are crucial for a number of bodily processes, such as nerve and muscle function, fluid equilibrium, and blood pressure regulation. Nonetheless, many members of the carnivore community have acquired an unhealthy fixation on electrolytes, and they regularly consume salt and other electrolyte supplements in large quantities.

There’s no denying the significance of ions, but excessive consumption can have negative effects. Dehydration and other health problems can result from eating too much sodium, and a healthy carnivore diet can provide all the electrolytes a person needs.

I felt better once I ceased worrying so much about electrolytes. Now that I pay attention to my body and adjust my salt intake accordingly, I no longer force myself to ingest excessive amounts. After some experimentation, I discovered that I had no trouble keeping my electrolyte levels where they should be.

One must take special care to ensure adequate electrolyte intake when beginning a carnivore diet. However, one should not place undue emphasis on them and instead should pay attention to the amount of sodium their body requires. Finding the optimal mix of salt and other electrolytes requires some trial and error and close attention to how you feel while experimenting.

I have loads of carnivore diet success stories for you to read.

And here is my YouTube video covering the same subject.


In conclusion, for some individuals, the carnivore diet is an excellent choice; however, it is essential to avoid typical pitfalls in order to experience its many advantages. Common pitfalls include not getting enough fat, eating only expensive cuts of meat, not knowing where to purchase meat, making the switch too quickly, and eating too much salt. Individuals can reap the many benefits of the carnivore diet while minimizing the risks associated with it by eating a wide range of healthy, high-quality meats, limiting their salt intake, and making the transition to the diet gradually. Those interested in or already adhering to a carnivore diet can benefit greatly from keeping these guidelines in mind.

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Ketogenic Endurance

All things low carb, fitness, exploring the great outdoors, minimalism, and frugal living.