How I tried to hack my parents’ Prodigy account

Robby Russell
1 min readFeb 8, 2017

Short story time!

When I was a kid, we had Prodigy as our online service.

One evening, I saw my dad typing in his password for his account and didn’t fully look away while he was entering it in. I saw what showed up on the screen. I wrote it down in a notebook with the plan to use it later.

So, the next day while he was at work, I entered PVCX31A for the username and “******” for the password. It didn’t work.

Six asterisks, which I thought was dumb for a password… did not work for me like it did for him.

This was the week that I learned what obfuscate meant.



Robby Russell

Founding partner / VP Engineering @PlanetArgon. Creator of @OhMyZsh. Ruby on Rails developer. Musician in @mightymissoula.