I love Trump supporters

Rob DuBois
5 min readJul 12, 2020

Seriously: I love Trump supporters. Why? Because Trump supporters are Americans. And I love my fellow Americans.

If you’re a Donald Trump supporter and a decent human being, please read on. I want to give you a hell of a lot of credit for being a good person and a good American. If you oppose Donald Trump, please read on: I want to inspire you to love good people and help heal America.

But There Are Some Bigots & Bullies

Know what I do hate? Bigotry. And abuse. And, possibly worst of all, political whoring by those who knowingly enable bigotry and abuse against innocent people…for their own benefit.

And you know what else? AMERICANS hate bigotry, abuse, and political whoring.

Read the Constitution. We wrote it all down.

Neo-Nazis for Trump

Now, let’s be honest: it’s public record that some Trump supporters are famous for their bigotry and abuse. David Duke comes to mind. David Duke is a neo-Nazi, former Grand Peepeepoopoo or something with the KKK, and huge fan of Donald Trump as The Great White Hope for great white supremacy in America.

Yeah, that KKK…the one renowned for brutality, mutilation, and murder (abuse) against blacks, Jews, and gays (bigotry). Also the one who THIS WEEK begged TV reality show star Donald Trump to take on none other than TV talking head Tucker Carlson (yeah, that Tucker Carlson) as his VP running mate.

According to the Grand Peepeepoopoo Nazi, Tucker Carlson represents Donald Trump’s “last chance to save America.” — READ MORE HERE

Carlson’s Top Writer Fired for Racism

And, of course, the following could be an incredibly unfortunate coincidence…but Tucker Carlson‘s TOP writer ALSO just resigned this week — following the exposure of his on-the-downlow, online, blatantly racist and sexist persona writings under pseudonym. — READ MORE HERE

This fine specimen of manhood, Blake Neff, came on board Tucker’s new show in November 2016. You may notice another coincidence — that America decided to put Donald Trump in charge of the United States in that exact same month….

Anything he’s reading off the teleprompter, the first draft was written by me,” is a direct boast by this now-disgraced white bigot who wrote everything Tucker Carlson read from the teleprompter from the very start of Trump’s election until his firing, this week.

The Company We Keep

Should I judge Donald Trump by the people who like him? Absolutely not. Some sketchy folks gravitate to me, too.

And to twist a high-profile quote from Donald Trump: there are some really shitty people on both sides.

But herein lies the key to this piece: There are millions of Americans who love him and, if you are not brutal or bigoted, I have nothing but compassion for you. I sincerely believe that Donald Trump is a master fraud, a con man, who is masterfully exploiting his cheap, largely self-manufactured fame and a network of corrupt enablers (remember those “political whores” I mentioned?) to enrich himself at the (now, fatal) expense of good Americans.

We Will All See the Truth, Eventually

If I’m right about his “character” (and the next few months/years will expose much of the truth), then the millions and millions of good, hard-working, patriotic, generous, humble, self-sacrificing Trump supporters are victims — not perpetrators. I’ve been conned…haven’t you? Frauds have stolen loads of money from me during my lifetime.

A master con can fool the finest people. That’s literally his one job.

And if I am correct that most Trump supporters have been victims of the greatest political con ever pulled (and heavily enabled by foreign adversaries, one of which promised to one day “bury” us), then most Trump supporters deserve genuine respect and understanding — not the loads of crap they take for having a political opinion.

How to Heal America

This is the kind of conversation we have to have, to pull our nation back to the beautiful ideal we claim. In Christian terms, we say “hate the sin, not the sinner.“ In my recovery program for staying sober, we say “principles, not personalities.“

Attacking each other is the surefire way to fail. It guarantees no side will ever submit to being wrong, when every side is being attacked for its miracle systems. We have to address the issues, the behaviors.

We have to stop attacking each other, America.

Stop Aiding & Abetting Our Enemies

I’m going to say that one more time: we have to fucking stop attacking each other.

Do you think the KKK is the only entity of abuse and bigotry that supports Donald Trump? Vladimir Putin is a huge fan. The Russian government, which is helping rip the guts out of the United States through their massive disinformation campaign alongside China and Iran, LOVES Donald Trump. He is, quite literally, Moscow’s candidate. READ MORE HERE AND HERE

Promoting Our Enemy’s Agenda?

Do you not see that supporting the candidate who personifies the ideals of the Kremlin and the KKK should be considered somewhat … problematic for American patriots?

That very onslaught against our own national understanding of who and what we are, that disinformation propagated abroad and then reshared by Americans as unwitting stooges, is making us blind to anything and everything. We don’t know what the truth is, anymore. We are fighting about fictions.

Seek First to Understand

So we stand at a turning point. Climb down off your high horse, Democrats. You too, Republicans. Let go of ego, liberals, and think about others, conservatives. We have to see the humanity in our neighbors, to save the humans in our nation. We have to stop fighting for the sake of fighting. It’s become a national pastime that’s destroying the nation.

If you sincerely care about America, take a second look at your MAGA friend or, if you’re a red cap fan, at your #NeverTrump neighbor. Think for a moment about what might motivate him or her. What is that person‘s family situation? Finances? History of being harmed? Think about the grievances which polarize us so intently, like some unspoken and unrecognized — but carefully scripted — Civil War.

Because that’s what we’re in: a carefully coordinated Civil War, being inflicted upon us by enemies foreign and domestic.

Stop and think for two seconds about how much of Trump’s agenda benefits Putin, all while he falsely claims to be “toughest on Russia.”

Does that make any sense, to any American, of any age group?

It May Be too Late … Maybe

We may still have a chance to beat Putin, Beijing, and the KKK if we discover the actual and ever-present foundation of the greatness of America: diversity in experience and unity in spirit.

We have a lot of work to do. If you want my honest opinion, I think it’s probable we have slid too far already. We’ve been tapping the gas on the slippery slope. We’ve been unwittingly accelerating our collapse, “hating” all the right fellow America according to the lies we’ve been fed about who should be hated.

Wake up and take serious action to work for democracy, accountability, productive debate and unity, now, or look forward to the heavy yoke that’s descending toward our necks. The new Russian Czar may erase everything America has ever hoped to be.

Rob DuBois is a retired Navy SEAL and security intelligence officer, now founder of Impact Actual LLC — the elite personal development firm. He is the author of Powerful Peace; A Navy SEAL’s s Lessons on Peace from a Lifetime at War. You can write to him at Rob@ImpactActual.com.

