Building on Bitcoin’s Bitmap:
An Offering to Developers

8 min readNov 16, 2023


Hello and welcome back!

Join me as we continue our visionary journey into Bitcoin’s Bitmap.

I’ll continue striving to be a source that helps you stay ahead of the curve.
As well as preparing you on how to explain your newfound obsession to your friends and family over the upcoming holiday season.

In the last article, we covered the history, theory, and technology of Bitmap. While introducing some of the deeper aspects.
Including DMT (Digital Matter Theory), and NATs (Non-Arbitrary Tokens).

We will be discussing ideas that leverage Bitmap with these concepts in mind, I will write with the assumption they are already understood.

The purpose of this article is to begin exposing everyone;
especially developers, to the understanding that Bitmap is the proposal of a base layer standard protocol. To be used for building a fully decentralized and interoperable Metaverse.

I want to get everyone away from the idea that Bitmap is a single 3D-world metaverse project like all the others. And into the mindset that Bitmap is the framework for the future expansion of today’s internet.

The official “project” is proposed as a worldwide effort.
An open source, multi-interpretable, gift to the world.

If any of this sounds too complex for you to produce, that's ok!
This is a call to help generate tools and applications that will make the development of Bitmap more accessible for everyone.

Full transparency, I am a junior developer at best. It’s only been 2 years since I opened my first terminal. I came into the space primarily as an artist, quickly understanding that I would need to learn the basics of programming in order to understand and build on blockchain technology.

I am more focused on identifying and building value where it is unseen.
As well as the continuation of my other preferred art forms.
Coding is certainly a form of art, just not my forte.
And I don’t intend on becoming a master class developer anytime soon.
All of these ideas are theoretical and open for anyone to use.

This being said, I know that there are endless unseen opportunities for development here on the Bitcoin Network.
A lot of which can and most likely will stem from Bitmap.

I have a few ideas of my own but will likely never have the coding experience, time, or resources to build them.
Therefore, I‘ll leave these ideas here for others to pick up if they find them interesting or valuable.

I personally, will love to see these things realized.

Metaverse Application Classes:

I first want to try and classify the different build types of Metaverses.
These are my best efforts at doing so. If there are others any of you can think of, please leave them in the comments.

Singular Silo:

A single Bitmap can certainly be leveraged for small and exclusive play.
Just because it can be a fully decentralized metaverse application, doesn't mean it has to be.

Singular Silo builds will be great for encouraging others to begin learning to program and develop. Granting the owner the ability to link private servers with their bitmaps to host gameplay with family and friends.

Much of the Web2 gaming industry already offer SDKs (Software Development Kits). And may release DLCs or expansions that directly plug into Bitmap in the future.

I have already seen occurrences of others using custom Fortnight and Grand Theft Auto servers sourcing their Bitmaps.

Another use would be creating small and exclusive
pocket-verses/marketplaces (great for small projects/businesses of all kinds).

A bitmap could even be developed as a vault or a private gallery.
A 3d database of your own assets. Experienced only by you and others that you grant access to.

Silo Clusters:

This model acts similarly to the Singular Silo build but includes a group of assigned Bitmaps and parcels.

Silo Clusters will be perfect for smaller or themed centralized Metaverse structures. Exclusive instances that are only accessible to those holding ownership of the assigned Bitmaps, their parcels, keys, or visitor passes.

Silo Clusters are also excellent test/build sites for new applications with aspirations of growing larger as the application becomes more refined.

An example of this would be Bitcoin Valley.
Chris IMSO has already deployed a 3d space utilizing bitmap to a group of early adopters for testing. As time goes on, Bitcoin Valley aims to scale in size, eventually being accessible to all bitmaps.

Centralized Metaverse:

A full-scale Metaverse model that includes all Bitmaps. Developed by a centralized entity or team that manages its mechanics, its access, and its ecosystem.

This model grants players the ability to traverse an open world that expands across the entire bitmap. While optionally providing levels of access to design, govern, and/or monetize to those holding Bitmap or their parcels.

The advancement and lifespan of these verses will be the sum of collective action and interest. Carried out over time, effort, and resources from its player base and network of bitmap holders.

I predict there will be many successful versions of Centralized Metaverses built on Bitmap. It would be a format for major brands to house their entire mythos.

Large MMO/FPS/RTS game systems can be built within a model like this. Attracting the likes of developers such as Blizzard, Epic, Bungie, or Bethesda.
Who will be the first giant to build on Bitmap?
It’s still to be determined, but likely they won’t be the last.

Decentralized Metaverse:

It is hard to say, but it seems like there may only be room for one native and massively adopted fully decentralized Metaverse at a time.
Like the internet, there will be common ground and there will be everything else.

This model stands to become the most advancing and robust. A world project. Built by any and all. Its success is heavily reliant on cooperation, fairly distributed governance, and focused utilization of resources and development.

It's a chance to build a society without borders and through anonymity. This is a big idea. And gives us all a lot to think about.

Custom/Recursive Metaverse:

This is a theoretical class of Metaverse that may incorporate many different modules or plugins. Working in combination to determine things like the space, inhabitants, assets, utilities, activities, etc.
Becoming a custom Metaverse.

Many open-source Metaverse Applications (Mapps), both free and premium will likely exist. Used to create all kinds of hybrid experiences, and operate as any class of metaverse depending on its design.

A fully Decentralized Metaverse would stand to benefit most from these tools and programs. Allowing the individual to tailor the experiences they have within it.

Primitive Tools and Base Standards:

There is a lot of immediate opportunity for this type of development.
These types of tools will be required to further develop Bitmap and Metaverse Applications. I’ve listed a few to get the ball rolling.

Pattern Recognition Applications:

These will be essential primitives for applying DMT and NATs. I see a lot of play for data analysts and indexers.

A tool to allow builders to set their pattern discovery parameters and parse the block data easily and conveniently. This will be a forefront need and opportunity.

Item/Asset Creation Tools and Standard Indexing Protocols:

This will be crucial with respect to the future indexing of tokenized assets, and required to support interoperability between the different Metaverse builds and their associated markets.

There is already interesting work being done on this. Such as the proposal for the BRC420 standard.

This protocol has even been proposed to be leveraged as a hybrid.
By combining it with the recursive collection BRC69 protocol.

Making the model more customizable and robust.

Identity Standard Protocols:

This is a very entertaining and speculative arena.
One with great promise and enormous unrealized opportunity.

Online Identity has already become a crucial aspect of how the world interacts and conducts business. It's only proper that our identities belong in our own custody.

Recently there have been a lot of confiscation and resale of handles found on It's becoming more and more apparent that users of the largest social media platforms have no actual ownership of their identity.

Protocols are already being proposed for ways to host identification assets on the Bitcoin Blockchain. Some of which are already being inscribed on-chain with the Ordinal Protocol. Owned much like you own your Bitmap.

@Handles for example, leverages the current globally recognized standard associated with online identity.

Similar protocols have been suggested, such as +Realms.
As well as a wide selection of DNS-like suffix variations. Such as .sats, .btc, and even .com.

Mapps/Bapps Marketplace

In the future, I can see a Marketplace full of Metaverse Applications (Mapps), Much like you find on Google or Apple for your smartphones.
A marketplace teeming with all sorts of modules and plugins for owners to attach to their bitmaps.

Before we go further, I want to set something in motion.
I am motioning to change the label of these “Bapps” (Bitmap Applications) to Mapps (Metaverse Applications) from now on. For obvious reasons.

Here are a few Mapps that would utilize DMT and NATs.
Again, these are theoretical and are meant to encourage developers to join in on the fun.

Star System Generator:

Source the full plane of bitmap to generate a Galaxy from non-arbitrary Data. Each Bitmap could potentially host a Star System.
With its own set of planets, asteroid belts, and anomalies.

This could be leveraged as a universal model to build games on top of.
Such games like Eve Online come to mind.

Environment Generation:

Block Data found within Bitmap could be used to determine many things within an immersive world. Such as landscapes and terrain. Conditions such as atmosphere, weather, states of matter, and length of day.
They all could be factored through non-arbitrary block data.
These types of applications will most likely be plentiful and competitive.

Evolutionary Lifeforms:

Use the block data from Bitmap to act as DNA and create entire domains of classified life forms.

This could be a game in itself or used to seed worlds with the flora and fauna that become their own digital ecosystems.
It could act as a Monster/Creature Compendium as well.

Resource Generator:

For large-scale crafting-type applications. Block data could handle the creation and distribution of materials and recipes.

By identifying patterns within strings of code, and assigning tokens/resources based on the patterns found (or not found).
This aspect of Bitmap is crucial. As it will sprout in-game markets and a player-driven economy.


Generates a familiar to join you on your journeys within the Metaverse.
The physical traits, personality, voice, expertise/knowledge could be based on block data.
This could also be used to create NPCs within a space.

Closing Up

These are just a few of the many things that will be needed and wanted within a decentralized metaverse built on Bitcoin’s Bitmap.

My hope is that this information will help attract individual developers and firms alike. Inspiring them to begin leveraging the .bitmap protocol and DMT (Digital Matter Theory).

If any of this feels like it is too complicated or outside of your scope of ability. I don’t want it to detour you from holding Bitmap yourself.
In our next article, we will look at many ways to potentially monetize your ownership of Bitmap, without having to know how to code develop.

Thank you for reading. Until next time!

