Tame the beast?! The European Union AI Act. — Part II

Robert Aufschläger
3 min readJul 2, 2023


In this blog article, I aim to summarize information about the following questions:

  • How does the EU Act affect research?
  • What is meant by regulatory sandboxes?
  • What are Pros/Cons of the EU AI Act?

It is the second part of my series on the EU AI Act after https://medium.com/@robert.aufschlaeger/tame-the-beast-the-european-union-ai-act-part-i-dbbcd0ffb7a9, where I summarize how the AI Act affects people and companies.

CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1–4-original — prompt “A blue robot with yellow stars fighting against a general artificial intelligence with an iron paragraph symbol as its weapon. The general artificial intelligence is visualized as a robotic beast. Two robots are visualized fighting each other. One of them stands for European Union and the other for the AI beast”— plms — n_iter 5 — n_samples 1

How does the EU AI Act affect research?

  • Exemptions to Act’s rules are planned for research activities and AI components, that are provided under open-source licenses. [1]
  • The EU AI Act aims to stimulate research and development and promote collaboration and openness among organizations and regions. [2]
  • The EU AI Act implements a Lab culture, where AI excellence is thriving from the lab to the market. [6]
  • Stand-alone high-risk AI systems have to be registered in a european database. [7]
  • It affects research in ‘artificial intelligence methods’ [8]:

a) Machine learning approaches, including supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning, using a wide variety of methods including deep learning;

b) Logic- and knowledge-based approaches, including knowledge representation, inductive (logic) programming, knowledge bases, inference and deductive engines, (symbolic) reasoning and expert systems;

c) Statistical approaches, Bayesian estimation, search and optimization methods.

What is meant by AI regulatory sandboxes?

  • Controlled environments, where AI can be tested before deployed in production. [1]
  • They give the opportunity for try and error development, in the sense of implementing the AI Act “without being charged” when things go wrong. [3]
  • There are concerns about difficult implementation of AI in sandboxes. This involves Leadership, Access, Funding, Commercialisation, Flexibility, Legal Aspects, Testing & Quality and Expertise Building. [3]
  • The AI regulatory sandboxes are defined in Article 53 [4].
  • They will be established by Member States or the European Data Protection Supervisor.

What are Pros/Cons of the EU AI Act?


  • Paying customers do not exist in sandboxes.
  • There is a trade-off transparency vs. Intellectual Property Rights.
  • There might be inhibitions about not investing in AI due to the EU AI Act.
  • Uncertainties, because not all artificial intelligence methods can fully be explained.


  • The EU AI Act supports Open Innovation: Open Source, Open Data and Open AI (… it does not support O̶p̶e̶n̶A̶I̶).
  • It softens monopoly positions in the AI market.
  • The EU AI Act fosters research in ExplainableAI (XAI).
  • It promotes trustworthiness in AI by addressing risks in AI. [5]


Besides the EU AI Act, there are two more AI-related Acts in the Pipeline of the European Union [9]:

  • EU Data Act: focuses on data sharing obligations and has the goal to increase availability and interoperability of non-personal data.
  • EU Data Governance Act: aims to enable more data and good quality data to fuel innovation.

Personally, I am curious about the final versions of these AI related EU Acts and when and how they will be implemented in practice. I understand the doubts. However, I hope research in trustworthy and explainable AI benefits. In exemplary, I support the idea of Open Innovation, that might be spread through introducing these Acts. Last but not least, I am curious if there are local versions and how EU member countries will deal with the EU regulatories.

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Thanks for reading! Pls feel free to contact me or comment if there are questions, ideas or hints. My summary is not comprehensive, and I am happy to learn about additional aspects.


[1] https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230505IPR84904/ai-act-a-step-closer-to-the-first-rules-on-artificial-intelligence, 29.06.23

[2] https://blog-idceurope.com/how-the-new-european-ai-act-will-impact-the-ai-market/, 29.06.23

[3] https://aai.frb.io/assets/files/AI-Act-Impact-Survey_Report_Dec12.2022.pdf, 02.07.23

[4] https://artificialintelligenceact.com/title-v/article-53/, 02.07.23

[5] https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/regulatory-framework-ai, 02.07.23

[6] https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/ai-lab-market, 02.07.23

[7] https://artificialintelligenceact.com/title-iii/chapter-5/article-51/, 02.07.23

[8] https://artificialintelligenceact.com/annexes-to-ai-act/, 02.07.23

[9] https://www.dataguidance.com/resource/data-regulation-ramps-europe-ai-act-data-act-and, 02.07.2023



Robert Aufschläger

I am a research assistant at Deggendorf Institute of Technology with Maths / CS background and interest in PPML, Open Data, and Synthetic Data.