Understanding Chat GPT: A Deep Dive into Language Models and Reinforcement Learning

Robert J Breen
6 min readFeb 17, 2023


I. Introduction:

In this special episode of Code Emporium, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at Chat GPT — a language model that’s generated a lot of buzz in the tech community due to its ability to generate highly realistic responses to user prompts. In order to understand how Chat GPT works, we need to first understand some fundamental concepts such as language models, Transformer neural networks, and reinforcement learning. So let’s dive into each of these areas to gain a deeper understanding of how Chat GPT operates.

II. Fundamental Concepts

The two main concepts that are fundamental to Chat GPTare language models and transformer neural networks.

Language models are models that are built to understand the probability distribution of a sequence of words. They take a sequence of words as an input and predict the probability distribution of the next word that comes after that sequence. Depending on the type of data used to train these language models and the architecture of the model, different types of probability distributions of these word sequences can be generated. This means that these language models can be used to handle specific tasks like text summarization, language translation, and question-answering, among others.

Transformer neural networks are sequence-to-sequence architectures that take in a sequence and output another sequence. In this architecture, the encoder and the decoder are the two parts. The encoder takes all the words of a sentence and generates word vectors for each word. These word vectors are then passed into the decoder, which generates the translated text one word at a time. The decoder takes the previous word as context and generates the next word until the entire sentence is translated.

  • Language models understand the probability distribution of word sequences and generate the next probable word given a sequence
  • Different types of probability distributions of these word sequences can be generated based on the data used to train the model and the model’s architecture
  • Transformer neural networks are sequence-to-sequence architectures that take in a sequence and output another sequence
  • The encoder generates word vectors for each word in the input sequence, and the decoder generates the translated text one word at a time by taking the previous word as context

The Transformer architecture is used to train the GPT models that Chat GPT is built on. By stacking the encoders, we get a bi-directional encoder representation of Transformers or BERT. If we stack the decoder parts together, we get a generative pre-trained Transformer. Chat GPT is a GPT model that is fine-tuned to respond to a user’s request, and then it is further fine-tuned using reinforcement learning.

  • The Transformer architecture is used to train GPT models that Chat GPT is built on
  • Stacking the encoders results in a bi-directional encoder representation of Transformers or BERT
  • Stacking the decoder parts together results in a generative pre-trained Transformer
  • Chat GPT is fine-tuned to respond to a user’s request and then further fine-tuned using reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning is used to fine-tune Chat GPT further. Reinforcement learning is a method of achieving a goal via rewards. The agent is the model, and the goal is to generate good responses to the user’s prompt. Rewards are given to each response generated by the model, and a rewards model is created. An unseen prompt is passed through a copy of the supervised fine-tune model, and the response is passed through the rewards model to get a rank that quantifies how good the response was. The rank is then used to further fine-tune the model and generate better responses.

  • Reinforcement learning is a method of achieving a goal via rewards
  • The agent is the model, and the goal is to generate good responses to the user’s prompt
  • Rewards are given to each response generated by the model, and a rewards model is created
  • An unseen prompt is passed through a copy of the supervised fine-tune model, and the response is passed through the rewards model to get a rank that quant

III. Three major steps

The process of fine-tuning Chat GPT can be divided into three major steps: supervised fine-tuning, rewards model, and further fine-tuning. The first step is supervised fine-tuning, where the pre-trained GPT model is fine-tuned to respond to a user prompt and generate a response. The second step is the rewards model, where a single prompt is passed through the supervised fine-tuned model, and generated responses are ranked by labelers to train another GPT model. The third step is further fine-tuning, where an unseen prompt is passed through a copy of the supervised fine-tuned model and a response is generated, which is passed through the rewards model to get a rank that quantifies how good the response was, and this rank is used to further fine-tune the fine-tuned model.

  • Supervised fine-tuning: pre-trained GPT model fine-tuned to respond to a user prompt and generate a response
  • Rewards model: a single prompt is passed through the supervised fine-tuned model, and generated responses are ranked by labelers to train another GPT model
  • Further fine-tuning: an unseen prompt is passed through a copy of the supervised fine-tuned model, and the response generated is passed through the rewards model to get a rank, which is used to further fine-tune the fine-tuned model

B. Incorporation of non-toxic and factual responses. The process of using rewards to train the rewards model helps the Chat GPT model incorporate non-toxic behavior and factual responses. The reward for the generated response is generated based on how factual and non-toxic it is, so the responses that are non-toxic and factual are given a higher reward. Thus, incorporating the reward into the model in this way helps the model generate less toxic and more coherent and factual responses.

  • Using rewards to train the rewards model helps the Chat GPT model incorporate non-toxic behavior and factual responses
  • Responses that are non-toxic and factual are given a higher reward
  • Incorporating the reward into the model in this way helps the model generate less toxic and more coherent and factual responses.

IV. Conclusion

In conclusion, the fundamental concepts behind Chat GPT are language models and transformer neural networks. Language models generate the probability distribution of word sequences and can handle specific tasks like text summarization and language translation. Transformer neural networks are sequence-to-sequence architectures that take in a sequence and output another sequence. The Chat GPT model is built on the Transformer architecture and is fine-tuned using supervised learning and reinforcement learning, with the goal of generating good responses to user prompts. The process of fine-tuning involves supervised fine-tuning, rewards model, and further fine-tuning, which helps the model incorporate non-toxic behavior and factual responses. By incorporating rewards into the model in this way, the Chat GPT model can generate less toxic and more coherent and factual responses, making it a valuable tool for a variety of applications.

V. Attribution

Attribution for the creative commons YouTube video with the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpmnWgQgcsA should be as follows:

Title: Chat GPT: Chatting with a GPT-2 Language Model Uploader: CodeEmporium Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpmnWgQgcsA License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Attribution statement: “Chat GPT: Chatting with a GPT-2 Language Model” by CodeEmporium is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed). The original video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpmnWgQgcsA.

