Men Are Terrifying

A commenter exemplifies rape culture

Robert K Starr
3 min readMay 7, 2024
A teddy bear holding a red rose.
Photo by Natalie Kinnear on Unsplash

TW for a man dismissing rape statistics.

Enjoy this video of bears. You’re going to need it.

Now on to James. James thinks men aren’t as dangerous as they seem.

I have heard about the reports of sexual assault and harassment on military bases, with up to 7% of female service members reporting harassment or abuse from their colleagues per a 2018 Rand corporation study:

This shows that even when surrounded by men, 93% of women are not victimized by the men around them since, and this is the point I want to make, the overwhelming majority of men are not dangerous to random women.



Robert K Starr

Romance novelist and screenwriter. Formerly software engineer, physicist, and high school teacher. I love my dog and also your dog.