Streets (1990)

Robert Lopez
2 min readJun 23, 2016


Streets (1990)

Film Forum in NYC did a festival called Genre Is A Woman, where they showed many genre films directed by women. Unfortunately, this fell at the same time as the Brian De Palma retrospective, so I did not get to see most of the 30+ films they showed. Luckily I had already seen more than 5 of them, so I didn’t miss as many as I could have. Plus I did get a chance to see a couple, this being one of them.

Streets is a 1990 Christina Applegate film I had never heard of. It was a pretty standard film, kids living on the street, the day to day struggles. Added in for extra effect is a killer cop who seems to be a raving psychopath that somehow goes unnoticed by the force. Christina runs afoul of him and pisses him off, so he hunts her down. On her side she has a newly homeless kid trying to make it to Hollywood to become a rock star.

Much of the film is actually well acted, and pretty accurate when it comes to life on the streets. I have known many a homeless kid, and the issues she has were the same issues they had. Though most of them were not hunted by a crazed cop.

The film is sweet, cute, depressing and has some decent suspense and action in it. I was a little surprised I had never heard of it at all, but some films just slip by you. Christina Applegate gets closest to a nude scene in this one, some side boob and fondling done by the very lucky actor who plays alongside her.

All in all I enjoyed this, 8 out of 10 stars. I probably upped this a star just for my love of Christina!

Originally published at on June 23, 2016.



Robert Lopez

Movie fan, music fan, dog lover. I have no clue why I started writing. I am confused when people read/like what I write, but I do appreciate it nonetheless.