A one-shot setup for The Sword, The Crown and The Unspeakable Power

Robert Carnel
1 min readJan 7, 2018


Creating the kingdom

Together we answer the following questions and write down the answers.

  • What everyday ritual reminds us of our myths?
  • What is the aesthetic of our kingdom in historical terms?
  • What is very different about our aesthetic compared to that historical culture?

Creating our society

What three virtues do good people have in our society?

  • Honesty
  • Courage
  • Loyalty
  • Mercy
  • Passion
  • Justice
  • Patience
  • Compassion
  • Tolerance

To be seen as good people in our society our characters must demonstrate their commitment to these virtues and honour those that display them.

Creating the City

Answer these questions collectively:

  • What is the city called?
  • Why is it the centre of the kingdom?

Our city (choose three):

  • is secure and well-defended
  • has enough room for those who lives within its walls
  • can feed its citizens
  • is safe and free from crime
  • is happy and harmonious
  • is well-maintained and its bureaucrats are not corrupt
  • is rich and prosperous

The lands around the city (choose two):

  • Are green and harvests are good
  • Are safe from bandits and outlaws
  • Are safe from raiders
  • Are loyal to the city

The unspeakable power (choose one):

  • Lurks beneath the streets of the city
  • In the hearts of devotees
  • Lies behind the doors of power

