Five Pieces of Jewish Wisdom That Inspire Me in Trying Times

Robert Bank
2 min readDec 20, 2016


Each day, I grapple with the frightening uncertainties of today’s world. I am pained by the voices of intolerance at home and around the globe. I am coming to terms with what a Trump presidency will mean for our country and our global community — especially for the poorest and most oppressed people whom AJWS fights for every day.

I have never been a bystander. And I know I will continue to pursue justice with my colleagues and friends at American Jewish World Service (AJWS) by working at the intersection of Jewish values and global concerns.

As I navigate challenges and celebrate triumphs, I’m drawing inspiration from Jews who have struggled for justice throughout history. People like Helen Suzman, a South African anti-apartheid activist whom I met as a child, and Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a renowned rabbi and a German-Jewish refugee to the U.S. who threw his heart and soul into the U.S. civil rights movement.

In the weeks leading up to the inauguration, I will be sharing their quotes, and quotes from other Jewish leaders, in a social media series called #JewishWisdomForTryingTimes. I invite you to join me and share the graphics below with your own networks on social media.

The fight for a better world is more important now than ever. I hope you are inspired by these nuggets of Jewish wisdom as we move through — and hopefully beyond — these trying times.

Elie Wiesel

When it feels like the hatred in the world is too heavy to bear, the words of Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel — who was a founding board member of AJWS — inspire me to stand up and act.

Grace Paley

The words of the late Grace Paley — an American Jewish writer and peace activist — feel especially relevant and give me energy to build a better world.

Helen Suzman

I love these inspiring words from Helen Suzman, a South African anti-apartheid activist whom I met as a child. 

Rabbi Joachim Prinz

I love these words from the late Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a renowned rabbi and German-Jewish refugee to the U.S. who threw his heart and soul into the U.S. civil rights movement.

Hannah Arendt

During a time when it feels like the world is moving backward, I am inspired by this call-to-action from the late Hannah Arendt, a German-Jewish philosopher who fled to the United States before World War II.



Robert Bank

President and CEO of American Jewish World Service. Working at the intersection of Jewish values and global concerns. Traveling the world and playing the piano