New Year… New resolutions are a must, am I right?

Hello Everyone! My name is Robert Dobrilovich and I’m from Croatia(small country in Europe). I’m 25 yrs old and I have my own business that is selling FB Ads management and SEO to local business and corporations. I’ve created this journey because I want to scale my business a lot higher then it is now and because I’m a lazy dude that likes to sleep a lot.

I’ve been doing SEO for the past 4 years for clients around the globe mostly using Upwork and now I’ve decided that doing SEO is too much of a hassle for me and switched to FB Ads around year and a half ago. I fell in love with them right away (just like I love my doggo, oh and my girlfriend, don’t want to offend her).

Currently, I’m earning around 2k Euros/month and it’s a great salary here in my country. I’ve made my company in August 2017 and earned around 12k Euros till now with SEO and FB Ads. I’ve also earned around 1000$ with affiliate marketing and FB ads a month before.

Now, of course, I didn’t really scale my business and I traveled around with my gf. But, fun times are over and now I need to get A LOT more clients to get my business up and running. My plan is to hire people to work in my company, have an in house team, get a new office, since my bedroom is my office(yea I know not really professional).

Without further ado, here is how will my journey look:

- It will last 90 days starting 12.01.2018.

I will challenge myself and I will not use ads at all. I will only use these puppies:

  • Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Linkedin.

- My plan for Facebook will go like this: I will create a facebook group where I will post updates every day on what I’ve done and what did I achieve. I will also use my facebook page to put content I will create on Youtube and Instagram. Other Facebook groups will be used for promoting my brand. It’s kinda hard to sell on facebook groups to people because they are not stupid and they won’t work with a no-name dude that has a really bad goatee.

- Youtube will be used for what is used mostly, yep! You’ve guessed it right. Videos! I will try to create tutorials for Facebook Ads and maybe SEO on a daily basis. Be it simple and short videos or some long 1-hour videos with me ranting how awesome they are. I will see how you, my dear future viewers, will like or dislike my videos.

- Instagram… hm I’m not 100% sure how to use this one but I was thinking of using this one to promote my Youtube channel and Facebook group. So it will probably use as a supporting pillar to FB and YT.
I will mostly use tags, stories, and 60 sec videos.

- Linkedin, now this one can be awesome if used properly, I’ve had some pretty good results before but first I need to fix my profile on it.

I will also mostly use this one as a supporting pillar to FB and YT. I also have an idea on how to use it but I will think about it. It’s good for connecting to agencies that don’t have time to deal with smaller clients, then they can refer their clients to me and I can give them a % of revenue. That is also one way I can use LinkedIn but we will see.

Now, to get more clients I will have to give something for free or something similar. My plan was to give future clients 2 weeks free management for FB Ads, they pay only with their budget. If they get more business and are happy we will move forward. I know from a great friend of mine that it works.

Some Personal Goals:

- I love doing calisthenics “almost” every morning. One of my goals is to manage 1 muscle up on a bar. I can do it on the rings with no keeping WIIIII

- Stop drinking stupid Cola, I’m addicted to it and I cannot get my six pack with that sugary sugar. Instead, drink a lot of water and tea.

- Get my drivers license. Halfway done, but I hate it

Well, this is it! Follow me on this journey, let’s have some fun while I torture myself with sleepless nights and having a clue what I’m doing. Comment, like, share, make fun of me and ask questions, I will gladly cooperate. Wish me luck!


