Robert D. Rose Jr.
9 min readJun 28, 2018

Complete Sample Injunction Order before Judge Travis R. McDonough below my pleas to all Americans…


Injunction Hearing vs VA/DoD opioid safety initiative version 3.0
Eastern District Court, Tennessee
Honorable Judge Travis R. McDonough, presiding
Greeneville Tennessee
July 17, 2018 at 1:00pm EST

The Ball is in ya’lls court now!

Will the protests at capitols in every state do anything? NO!
The media has already forgotten about an Air Force veteran self-immolation in front of the Capitol of Georgia in Atlanta (YESTERDAY for crying out loud) protesting the treatment by the Dept of Veterans Affairs!

What about the Army veteran Albert Wong? A hero with numerous awards after spending a year in Afghanistan comes home, is denied mental health treatment by the Dept of Veterans Affairs which ends in the murder of three innocents (RIP). Was he DENIED PTSD medications? Was he DENIED pain medications for back injuries? We don’t know because mass media ignores the tragedy while the government buries these stories! This extreme loss of life occurred only March 10, 2018 and already forgotten. (More examples at bottom!)

The same as these protests, hidden and covered up until we too are DEAD!
Or worse…



Robert D. Rose Jr.

Christian, Marine, Advocate for Veterans & Americans w/Chronic/Intractable Pain Fighting Back! Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Case #18–5775 Rose v Roe