The Challenges of God

Robert Ferris
6 min readSep 3, 2015

Below is the text of a sermon preached in St. Senan’s Church, Inniscarra on Sunday 30th August 2015 — Bible texts Deuteronomy 4:1–2,6–9 & Mark 7: 1–8, 14–15, 21–23


God has a plan.

God has shown us through his word that plan.

Each one of us has a decision to make if we will follow that plan or go our own way.

In The Old Testament — we see that God does have a plan — which he revealed to his people — sometimes they follow the plan … and sometimes they don’t. When they don’t — things turn messy then more often than not — they catch themselves on and come back and say sorry and they try better next time.

In our Old testament reading we see Near the end of his life, Moses climbed the mountain and looked over the Jordan to the Promised Land, knowing that he would never enter it (Deuteronomy 3.27) but that his people would, under Joshua’s leadership.

God wants his people to keep his laws. This is not merely blind obedience, but a response of trust in God, who wants to create a well-ordered, peaceful society, and gives the law as a resource to achieve this. Hence, others will recognise God’s wisdom and justice reflected in Israel’s common life (vv.6,8).

This plan is something which needs to be embedded in the life of the community, in the life of individuals … why?

Not because God is a kill joy but rather because God knows best for us we think we know but actually we’re called to live under his authority … look at what it says:

Verse 6 — This will show your wisdom and understanding … this will be a great nation and a wise and understanding people.

That’s all fine and well … we may say amen to that … live lives under God’s law … sounds grand

but then Moses makes this personal …

Verse 9 Moses poses a warning and a challenge … be careful and watch yourselves closely …

why? so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as Long as you live

There are a few definitions of the word “Challenge”

The First is to invite (someone) to do or say something that one thinks will be difficult.

Moses poses a challenge to the people of Israel in this passage

he invites his hearers to be careful and watch themselves closely …

Not to forget the things their eyes have seen …

And he goes further … teach them to your children and their children after them

This has been the challenge through the years … for the people of Israel and in turn ourselves as the fulfilment of the people of Israel

Challenge 1 — “Watching yourselves closely” … what does that mean

Its repeated in the New Testament … 1 Timothy 4: 16 says … Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

How is your life ? … How is your spiritual life? … how is your walk with God? … How’s things going on the inside? … what are you hungry for? … what behaviours need to go? … are the habits you need to cut out? … things you could do with having in your life? … are there things you are hiding from?

The people of Israel at this point have no excuse … They’ve been given the law and Moses is at pains to state that when they get into the land to keep close to it and they will flourish.

Challenge 2 — Not to forget the things God has done

Moses’ generation — who were adults that left egypt and saw the great things — then got frustrated with the desert wanderings have nearly all but gone — but the current generation have great things to come — they need a way to remember the story of where they had come from and the fact that God is the same — yesterday, today and forever.

So it is with ourselves … many of us here have seen God doing wonderful things in our lives … small things and Big things … but so often we forget his faithfulness … we grumble, we might forget when we’re going through issues … Let’s not forget the things your eyes have seen … ways to remember

Challenge 3 — Teach them to your children and their children

Kids are our present and the future … we need to be a people who are speaking faith with our kids, our grand-kids, our neices and nephews, cousins and others. Our teenagers, our 20’s and 30’s … cultivating a culture of speaking faith with holy boldness.

The language we use is picked up by kids … how we model faith is so vitally important — At New Wine this year … << Prayer Ministry by Kids>>

I’m excited about the year ahead as we step out in our new service patterns … as we help parents to be the primary disciple makers of our kids. As more of us get involved in our Adventurers programme

  • As people of faith share with our Messy Church to help parents and kids understand the Bible and faith more.
  • As Men come along to our Alpha Group in Blarney and discuss the Big questions of Faith
  • As our Bible Study Groups come alive again
  • As more people are equipped for Prayer Ministry
  • As our youth groups get going again
  • As a team is formed for mission experience to Zambia
  • As Mothers’ Union and Ladies Guild get stuck into their programme
  • As we are equipped to serve this year … how are you going to tell this and the next generation as the psalmist puts it … The praise worthy deeds of the Lord.

If the first definition of Challenge is to invite (someone) to do or say something that one thinks will be difficult.

— — —

The Second is dispute the truth or validity of something

In the Gospel reading we see the Pharisees challenge Jesus about his understanding of the law and he turns the challenge around and challenges them … he says … You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions

They’re doing a whole pile of things which weren’t commanded… and are burdening people … there is a warning contained in here …keeping the main thing the main thing.

Then the challenge runs to the heart of the matter … it’s not the outward appearances that matter but the heart

which returns to the first of our challenges … verse 21 in mark 7

Sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdnes, envy, slander, arrogance and folly

So here’s the summary …

If you’re looking for a challenge …

have a try at 1 or more of these

Challenge 1 — Watch yourself Closely — you’re doctrine, your heart

Challenge 2 — Don’t forget what God has done

Challenge 3 — Teach your Children and your Children’s Children

Heed Jesus’ Challenge

Not to let go of the commands of God in preference for human traditions

Make sure that our hearts are right … deal with the Messy-ness

These are some great challenges…but lets remember we are challenged not just by one of them but all of them and then we add in the challenging times we’re living in.

As a world — incredible things are happening — Mass migration of people, limited resources, Climate Change, with World Economics.

As a nation / church / community — and a citizens of this country and of the kingdom of God — we’re called to do things — this is not merely to watch from the sideline

It makes for a challenge … but also an adventure — which involves each and everyone of us.

Life and life in all its fullness — but we start from the personal.

