The Imposter Syndrome Paradox: Why Feeling Like A Fraud May Be Your Strongest Asset

Robert Glazer
3 min readDec 4, 2018


This year, I finished a three-year Entrepreneurial Masters Program (EMP) alongside 65 incredible classmates from 30 different countries around the world.

On the second day we were fortunate to listen to a keynote speaker who had graduated from the program ten years prior and had returned to speak to our class and impart her wisdom. She began by mentioning that during her first year at EMP, she chose to sit in the back of the room because she was intimidated about being there.

A single mom with two kids, she started her jewelry business in 2002 out of her spare bedroom with only $500. During her first year as an EMP student, her business was doing about $2M in revenue, which was near the bottom of what other attendees in the class were generating from their businesses.

As she moved further through the program, one of the facilitators spoke of the successful entrepreneurs who had gone through this program and the likelihood of someone in the class going on to build a $1B company. It was in that moment that she felt even more out of her league.

What our keynote speaker was experiencing is referred to as “Impostor Syndrome,” a psychological phenomenon shared by many high achievers who are convinced they’re inadequate or have a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud.”

And it’s a diagnosis more common than you may think. In an interview about winning an Academy Award for “The Accused” in 1988, actress Jodie Foster said, “I thought it was a big fluke. I thought everybody would find out, and then they’d take the Oscar back.”

Many psychologists believe that Impostor Syndrome is most common in high-achieving women and those who feel underrepresented or different from their colleagues such as people of color, the LGBTQ community, etc.

What many don’t realize is that Impostor Syndrome tends to impact people those who have overcome odds and worked incredibly hard to earn their success. This in comparison to those who rely on connections or inherited wealth to attain higher rungs. A determined, hard-working single mom, our keynote speaker was a perfect example someone who fought through her Impostor Syndrome and realized her entrepreneurial dream.

That speaker’s name? Kendra Scott, founder and CEO of her namesake jewelry company, an enterprise with over 75 stores. Recently, her eponymous company was valued at over $1B as part of its latest investment.

Kendra Scott’s formula for success relied heavily on staying true to her vision, having the grit to power through tough times and the ability to practice resiliency at every turn

For many people experiencing Imposter Syndrome, the biggest opportunity may come from leaning into the unconventional path that got you to where you are today. It’s likely that you see things differently than your peers who took the predictable route or who benefited most from good luck and timing but chose to give themselves full credit. Impostor Syndrome can be a strength if you recognize it and stay focused on your achievements, yet remain humble with success.

It’s a mistake to assume the people around you know more or deserve their position or success more; they often just have more confidence. If you act like you belong, soon you will. Being humble and confident beats overconfidence almost every time.

Robert Glazer is the founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners and the author of the international bestselling book Performance Partnerships. Join 50,000 global leaders who follow his inspirational weekly Friday Forward or invite him to speak. This article was originally published on



Robert Glazer

CEO of Acceleration Partners, international keynote speaker, author and columnist at @Inc, @Forbes @Entrepreneur. Follow my leadership e-mail.