How to finally start Writing (Step-By-Step) Part 1

Robert Heyne
2 min readMay 22, 2024

You deserve to be a writer.

Why? Because I know that you are a universe.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Nobody listens to each other. No one talks anymore. You have almost no way to share your thoughts. Writing is different.

I opened up medium to check my notifications.

Nothing. No followers, no comments. My heart fell. But then I saw a different number. My stories published. It was 32. More than I hoped.

I am making progress. Slowly. And that feeling was worth it. 32 times I had shared my thoughts with the world. Why is that satisfying? I don’t know. Want to feel it? Here’s how:

Step 1: Find something to write about.

This is the hardest step. So, let’s make it easy.

Anything. Nope that’s not easy. If you can’t think of anything, I can help. Try something I did on my first real article:

· Write about an experience you had

· Write about a problem you have

· Write about a quote you heard and how it touched you

· And if all else fails, write about how you will have better articles in the future!

Write the Article.

Whether typing, writing by hand, or voice-typing (my favorite), do what feels natural. As for structure, keep it simple.

· Paragraph one:

· P two:

· P three:

· P four:

· P five:

Then. Select an image

· Pick something vague and inspirational. Unless you find something better. Rainy clouds are pretty cool.

Select Categories:

· Pick some that apply: Self-improvement, memories, memoirs, psychology. Self-awareness, writing, etc. Make it easy.


· There. You’re a writer. Tell someone. Tell yourself. You’ve told the world, so how hard can it be?

In the following parts, we’ll talk about forming the habit and what to do from there. I hope you are having as much fulfillment from this as I am. I hope you can see this as us learning together, and if you put your article in the comments, I’ll shoot you a follow and clap read. Good luck!



Robert Heyne

Highschool Student (Junior). Older Brother. Extrovert. Generic Nerd. Student of Rizz. Controversial Foodie. Contact at