How do I create an app locker in Android Studio?

Robert Johnson
2 min readJul 31, 2019


You must be practising right? Well, there are a variety of things that one can do once he/she starts development. We need to play a little, try to make components, and then aggregate them to make a full-fledged application. It is essential because without practice Jack will remain dull in his or her trade. Therefore, before beginning, I will tell you that we will not be mentioning any code further. Although, below would be the procedure to create an app locker using Android Studio.

Steps to create an app locker in Android Studio:

  • Firstly, we have to take a class that will determine the number of apps that are locked and that are not. The class will be featuring the following data such as application name, icon, lock/unlock status, and package name.
  • Now check the list of all the model class.
  • You will need to create a restart service first. It is essential to keep the apps locked even after the restart. For this, you have to create a board receiver cast class.
  • Now you need to create a background service. This will ensure that your app is running constantly even if other applications are fired up. Also, the service will make sure that you enter the correct password. If the correct password is entered only then you would gain access.
  • You might also need a database to keep your password. The time when a user enters a password from your app that password will be compared with the password saved in the database.
  • Now you need to create a separate class for keeping the passwords of all apps. The app will be locked by you using the package name.
  • To create an app locker, you will also need a RecycleTouchListener. This will provide all the onclick functionality and also any long press on the RecycleView.
  • Now it is to configure the MainActivity to create an app locker. You have to give it the functionality of asking for a password to set. Also, this should be capable of setting a password in installed apps. This class will also make sure all the permissions are safe and secure within.
  • To create an app locker, the application needs a lock screen. The class needs to be connected with the database.

That’s it !!! These are the steps that you need to take to create an app locker. If you are thinking of getting a full-fledged application then maybe we can help. We are an app development company known by the name Agicent Technologies. In case if you wish to check out our blog then click on the link provided. We hope this article may have been of some help to you. Also, thank you for reading the article until the end.

