Make More Offers Challenge

Robert Kanaat
4 min readDec 10, 2023


There is one thing holding you back from the life that you deserve. One thing and one thing only. Offers. But not just any old offers. We’re talking about irresistible offers. Drool-worthy offers that make your mouth water.

I’m talking about offers that are so expertly crafted that they create a stampede of people rushing toward you, waving their credit cards in the air, throwing their money at you. Imagine that for a moment — an offer so good that it makes people feel stupid not to buy.

That’s the ONE thing holding you back from making all the money you know you deserve you should be making. And Myron Golden’s Make More Offers Challenge is the 5-day live event primed to show you exactly how it’s done.

That’s because constructing and packing up an offer that’s so desirable that makes people willing to stand in long lines in sub-zero temperatures isn’t easy. But it is simple when you understand how to solve a person’s problems so well that not only do they believe your offer will help them, they’re are willing to spend whatever it takes to buy it now.

Make More Offers Challenge (MMOC): What Is It?

The one thing holding most people back in life isn’t intellect. It isn’t their abilities or skill set. It’s fear. Fear of ridicule, rejection and embarrassment. The truth is that no one likes to be rejected. But life isn’t real anyways. It’s only what you make of it. And when you learn to make more offers, that’s when you can take your life to the next level.

The Make More Offers Challenge was created by Myron Golden. He’s also the author of several books, including the international bestseller, BOSS Moves. That book talks about the four business optimization secrets to grow and scale your business.

Golden took the book and turned it into a 5-day live challenge where he dives deep into the secrets to making money by making something called premium value offers. I’ve taken the challenge numerous times so I’m not just talking about something I’ve seen or read somewhere else.

In fact, I met Myron Golden years ago. And his story is fascinating. He’s a prodigy of Russell Brunson and one of the first members of his Inner Circle for Life Mastermind. Back then it was just $25,000 per year to join. Now it starts at $50,000 for the lowest tier.

Premium Value Offers

A lot of people fail in business because they fail to make premium value offers. These are high-ticket offers that solve a major problem someone is facing. Your ability to make money in your business boils down to your ability to make premium value offers.

Most people are afraid of selling things for a few hundred dollars. Premium value offers are not hundreds of dollars. And they’re not even thousands of dollars. These are offers that are tens of thousands of dollars, to hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars.

Yes. For one offer. Most people think that people won’t pay that amount of money ever. That’s not true. But they won’t pay that money right on the spot after just becoming aware of you. That’s cold traffic. They need to know, like and trust you. That’s when they’ll buy your premium value offer.

Myron breaks the whole thing down and explains the importance of having a sales funnel to help convert cold traffic into hot traffic. Sales funnels (also known as marketing funnels) are really the key to business growth. Golden really breaks down the importance of funnels and how to use them to create explosive business growth.

Make More Offers Curriculum

Here’s the breakdown of MMOC and what you learn on each given day. I’ve removed some of the details but have left the structure for you.

Day 1: Offer Science

On day one you learn how to define the offer, refine the offer and confine the offer. Golden dives into picking the people you’re going to help, picking their payoff, and picking the amount you’ll get paid. He explains how the offer needs to be desirable, measurable, and statable.

Day 2: Offer Strategies

On day two Golden explains that wealth has more to do with time and leverage than it does with money. He also warns a lot of people about the difference between getting rich quickly and staying poor slowly. He explains how to get people’s attention, get their alignment and get their agreement.

Day 3: Premium Value Offers, Scripts & Customer Ascension

On the third day Golden breaks down premium value offers. He explains Russell Brunson’s hook-story-offer framework. And he explains the importance and the power of using stories to sell your offer. People connect more to stories than anything else.

Day 4: Continuity Offers & Offer Systemization

On day four Golden talks about continuity offers. These are subscriptions, which can be newsletters, memberships, software as a service platforms, and so on. He talks about the value of continuity and how to actually use them in your business.

Day 5: Offer Stack

The fifth (but not final) day is used to discuss a concept called the stack. This is also a concept popularized by Russell Brunson. Golden explains the importance of the stack and how to build a stack to make sure your offers sell like hotcakes.

Day 6: Bonus Day

There is always a bonus day at MMOC. At least in the two times I attended it. The bonus day is the day when he brings everyone together to ascend them into his premium coaching programs. This is for those who truly want more help growing their businesses.

