Back to the great white north.

Robert LaLonde
5 min readMay 11, 2015


It was suggested to me over a year ago, before we had really sold product yet, that I was going to need to take our product “on tour.” At the time I really didn’t know what this meant but I admit, I was intrigued. This vague idea of touring with my invention, introducing it to the market directly seemed like something that I would enjoy doing and also give us direct access to our market. We spent the better part of last year creating relationships around the world at locations that would give us a unique selling opportunity. Places like the Master Card Center in Toronto, Le Collise in Quebec, Minnesota Gone Wild in St. Paul and even Munich, Germany.

This past weekend we were fortunate to have a great opportunity to set up our Buttendz Pop-Up shop at the Canlan IcePlex for the Toronto May Madness Hockey Tournament. This event is an ideal spot for us because it is a huge centrally located tournament with about 100 teams from all over North America. Even though it’s Spring and hockey is perceived to be “over,” teams of all ages come to the heart of Toronto to compete in the sport that to them has no beginning and end. It is great for us because we are able to get in front of the core of our audience. Serious young hockey players who sacrifice leisure time and other opportunities play on spring and summer teams and continue their development.

Day One

Going into this weekend I felt excitement and nervous energy. I was optimistic that it would go well but you always wonder how the new customers will embrace our concept. Changing the way a player holds a hockey stick is exciting but it is also challenging because of the intimate relationship that comes with the territory. The weekend could not have gone any better. Right when I set up our booth on Friday I was greeted by players who recognized Buttendz from Instagram. A couple young guys came over and mentioned that they had heard of the product but never actually seen it. I was uber excited to hand them a stick and see the reaction on their faces when they touched the grip for the first time. It never gets old seeing someone’s face light up with the thought of equipping their own scoring weapon with this new technology. Some of the guys, who were carrying their sticks around with old tape on the top handle would look at their set up with disdain, realizing that there was now a better way, they would immediately start to ponder, “where can I find $25 so I can take advantage of this obvious upgrade?” At least that is what it appears they are thinking. We had a steady stream of players on Friday which is usually a introduction day. Players are seeing our grip in person for the first time. Many choosing to make the switch and give it a shot. As I concluded the day on Friday, I left feeling grateful and excited that so many guys would play on Saturday morning with a Buttendz grip on their stick.

Day Two

Saturday mornings are really cool. This is the day that I get to hear the feedback from the forward thinking players who made the mid tournament switch from tape to Buttendz. It was such a relief to see the first smiling face come running up to me on Saturday morning. “I scored the game winning goal and I had Buttendz on, I love it” I can’t really explain how amazing that makes me feel. I didn’t have much time to reminisce about it as four of his teammates, who realize that their buddy now has a competitive advantage, came cruising up to the Buttendz booth. Like men on a mission, they have their hands full. In one hand they are holding their hockey stick and the other, $25 Canadian. Now the only decision is whether they want aFlux grip or a Twirl, our two different designs. Our seed day Friday led to an onslaught Saturday. At one point, a parent came up to me and said “Buttendz is all anyone can talk about, well done.” So I spent all of Saturday, outside in the sunshine, tearing shards of sticky, gunky tape off of sticks, and replacing it with a sparkling brand new Buttendz grip.

The day literally flies by, with selling and doing applications and taking pictures and Snapchatting. I barely have a chance to eat lunch before I am sold out of everything. I feel like the luckiest guy in hockey. I get to hang out with some of tomorrow’s young hockey stars and really have an impact on improving their game. I only hope that this amazing journey continues and I don’t ever wake up from this dream.

Thank you everyone for the support. I have never been happier and more in love with the game of hockey. Hope I see you soon.

If you want to see Buttendz at one of your upcoming Spring/Summer tournaments, reach out to us at

