I like ideas. Healthy Habits are about living better and husbanding your money and assets. I think you'll enjoy it.

Here's my story.

I shut down my podcast, What's the Point Live from Palm Beach after about six months. The interviews were good and the guests, too. But with less than a dozen interviews the interviews are like art pieces, now. I like helping people.

I hosted a live radio show several years ago. I was helping local business people, men and women in Newport—where I lived. They got business ideas and inspiration from real people in several fields mapping real action for great results. The guests loved it.

Recently, I tried to add a new segment called Working Lives.

If he was still living this might be Studs Terkels' podcast. It is a tribute to his curiosity and kindness toward individuals about their jobs. His interviews were compiled into a landmark work called, Working. It was simple brilliance to understand that everyone has a story—and inside those stories lies wisdom.

Do you have questions about something? Write me. We can talk if you'd like. Or correspond. Or not. It's still a conversation. Right?

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Robert Bailey. Strategic business finance solutions. Managing Partner of TrustedAdvisory (Advanced Strategy in Tax Defense) www.trustedadvisory.com