Why Cellphone Signal Boosters Are Needed?

Robert McJunkin
3 min readMar 24, 2017


When it comes to luxurious high-rise buildings, tenants look for all the modern facilities like doorman, views, gyms, lounges, and open terraces. While the builders do everything to meet these demands, they hardly pay attention to provide good cellular connectivity. In most of the floor-to-ceiling modern buildings, cellular signal is given least attention unless it starts to hurt the ordinary communication.

An Example:

In one of the modern building which was about to be finished, they key systems weren’t working due to lack of cellular service. The concrete, glass windows and steel blocked the signals even while the antennas to run these systems were located close-by. The situation was aggravated as the opening was nearing and the expensive marble was already in place. The builders reached one of the service provider, and they provided a satisfactory solution to the problem by using the amplifier antenna.

Cell Phone Signal Boosters

A cell phone booster for office building enhances connectivity. The system consists of an external antenna, a signal boosting amplifier, and an internal antenna which connects all the cables together.

Their Primary Usage

Their main purpose is to take an existing signal, amplify it, and broadcast to space, which is receiving weak or no signal. There must be a signal to amplify as these boosters aren’t able to create the signals. They can only amplify and transmit the signal, so if you aren’t able to place an external antenna.

Area of Coverage

Most of the products are organized by the area (square footage) they can cover. The best system consists of an external system, and the internal is placed in the best location possible. There are no blockages in the way of signals, and they can provide complete coverage to the area.

Strength of Signals

The strength of signal where the external antenna can be placed determines how big an area you can cover inside of the home? If the signal strength area is strong, you’ll be to cover the area as advertised.

A good way to test the actual strength of the signal just put the phone in field test mode, and it will display the actual decibel reading of the current signal.

Outside Antennas

They are mainly of two types, Omni-directional which are designed to send and receive signal in every direction. Yagi antennas, they are designed to send and receive signals in a specific direction.

Amplifier Power

They are rated in decibels (dBs), a way to measure how powerful the signals are. If you are amplifying a weak signal and you want to cover the entire area, better go for a stronger amplifier.

Inside Antennas

They are mainly two kinds of antennas, Panel Antennas and Dome Antennas. The panel antennas are designed to broadcast only in one direction while the dome antennas provides signal in all directions.

So if you’re planning to have a cellular phone booster for an office building, ensure that it generates a signal which is able to meet the business needs.



Robert McJunkin

Robert is an online marketing executive and likes to share information on latest technology.