Top 5 Best Tips Before Buying Single Phase Electric Transformers in Canada

Electric Power Inc.
5 min readApr 24, 2018


Transformer is an indispensable device for rendering electrical energy usable for household and industrial usage. It basically consists of two coil windings, primary and secondary, wrapped around a core and serves to step down the incoming voltage to suit your needs.

Single phase electric transformers receive power at high voltage on the primary winding and deliver the reduced single-phase AC power through the secondary. The magnetic core is manufactured out of soft iron constituted of connected singular laminations for reducing energy losses during transformation. Windings are electrically isolated but magnetically connected through iron core which is the conduit for power transfer. Upon passage of electric current in primary winding, a magnetic field develops and voltage is induced in secondary coil.

Through this blog, I would guide you through 5 proven tips for selecting superlatively performing single phase electric transformer in Mississauga. Before that, I would skim you through advantages that you can reap by investing in single phase transformers.

What Are the Benefits of Single Phase Transformer?

The advantages of single phase transformer are many. You can refer to the prominent benefits below.

· Comes pre-wired which makes installation easier and swifter

· Can be transported easily to your destination at low transit cost

· Ideal for application in situations where low voltage is required

· Voltage can be easily stepped down to match the load rating of your home appliances

· Operating cost is lower than three-phase distribution matrix

· Lightweight, smaller and requires lesser space for installation

· Switchgear and bus bar structure can be installed easily

· The less soft iron core is required for generating optimum power for home/ commercial needs

· Can be easily assembled and hardly requires adjustments or repairs

Let me now delve into the tips that would get you the best bargain while buying transformers.

Five Tips for Purchasing Best Electric Transformers in Canada

1) Ascertain the Operating Voltage/ Phase of your Devices

Single phase isolation transformers Canada fined wide application in catering to the needs of electronic and electrical devices requiring low voltage to operate. Single or three phases input voltage is stepped down to match the voltage value of your home’s electronic devices. If the device operates on DC voltage, a rectifier is used on secondary side for conversion of AC to DC voltage. To grab the best transformer which complements your purpose optimally, go through the nameplate and installation manuals of home devices to assess their single-phase voltage requirement. Accordingly, you should proceed with the purchasing decision.

2) Determine the Primary Voltage to be Fed to the Transformer

You need to factor in the source voltage incoming from the power line of the electrical grid of your area for arriving at the best transformer. Usually, the input voltage is 480V or 600V single phase AC. For stepping down the voltage, the number of wire turns on the primary winding would be more than that of the secondary winding. The ‘Turn Ratio,’ i.e. number of turns on primary winding in proportion to that on the secondary winding would be higher, and input voltage would be a key consideration for the same. Typically, the secondary voltage compatible with your devices would be either 120V or 240V AC.

3) Know the Operating Frequency of the Transformer

Another operational aspect of isolation transformers that you need to consider is the source voltage’s frequency. Measured in cycles per second (Hertz), it must be same as that of those equipment’s operating frequency which you intend to supply power to. 60 hertz is the usual operating frequency. If the frequency spikes up or down the rated one, transformer losses would increase in the form of core loss, variation in magnetizing current, conductor skin effect etc. Transformer’s voltage is directly proportional to the frequency at given flux density.

4) Calculate the Total Load to Be Handled by the Transformer

VA or volt-ampere is an indication of the electrical load to be catered to by the transformer. The power emanating from the secondary winding is the load and is measured in VA. KVA rating of single phase transformer needs to be greater than the total load borne by the fuse of your installation. You can arrive at the maximum load to be handled by the transformer by combining different loads of individual appliances like lights, motors, heaters, air conditioners, fans etc. By multiplying the voltage supplied across secondary winding with passing current, you can calculate the VA for which the transformer is to be installed. This would help you in making an informed decision while buying single phase transformers.

5) Analyzes the Current to be Drawn from Electrical Power Source

You need to be aware of the current that the transformer would draw from the electrical grid. This is important for selecting the circuit breaker to which the transformer would be hooked to. Breaker needs to be of current rating equivalent to or greater than the transformer. This would prevent it from tripping when the transformer would be deployed for normal operations. Current drawn would depend on the voltage of the main electrical line in your area to which transformer is connected as well as the power wattage consumed. On the specification chart of the transformer, you would get its wattage rating. If it is rated at 300 watts and would be hooked to the 120-volt socket, current drawn would be 2.5 Amps (300/120). So, the circuit breaker has to be greater than 2.5 Amps for smooth operation.

The tips above would serve as your ready reckoner while buying single phase transformer. The conscious decision would help you harvest the benefits in the long haul without incurring expenses on repairs.



Electric Power Inc.

Elect Power is a leading manufacturer of full-line standard and custom-engineered dry-type transformers in Canada. visit us:-