30 Day Challenge: In 30 Days I Hope To Run My Fastest Mile

Robert Nelson
2 min readOct 5, 2015


I like the idea of a 30 day challenge. But unfortunately I seem to like the idea of doing them more than I like the idea of thinking them up. In the past I’ve done 30 day challenges to take a picture a day, and also to be more active. Those challenges were both successful, but they were also both done quite some time ago. I had been ready to begin another challenge so I was happy when I came across an Active.com article about running your fastest mile.

The article, which can be found here, is called 30-Day Running Challenge: Run Your First or Fastest Mile

As I am already a runner (currently streak running with 500 plus days) I am opting for the fastest mile aspect of the challenge. I am going to give this challenge my full effort, though I’ll confess that I don’t think I will actually get my fastest mile. That happened many years ago, and while I do not have a specific mile time, I did run a 10:30 2-mile. I know the miles were consistent in that run, so I’d say my fastest mile was somewhere in the range of 5:15.

For this challenge I am aiming to get in the low 6’s, or maybe even in the high 5’s. Time (no pun intended) will tell how fast I will run the mile, but for now my plan is to start on October 10th. I’ll be following the 30 day schedule as outlined in the article, however as I am going to continue my streak running, there will a modification.

Obviously the rest days are out. More to the point though, I am going to continue running every morning as I’ve been doing and then follow this 30 day schedule in the evenings (as a second workout).

If anyone would like to join me, you can visit the Active.com link I shared above. And if you are curious, my runs are always logged on RunKeeper, where I go by the username of robertnelson.

