Robert Neustadt
1 min readJan 29, 2017


MOVE ON! President Rump thrives on all attention - positive and negative. The media loves it and laps it up. Besides, if you poke the macho bear, he just gets madder and more confident.

SERIOUS ABOUT CHANGE? Forget about Rump, he’s an easy target and a lightning rod for everything. FOCUS ON THE CONGRESS and your local elections. Let them know there are consequences to a far right, tea-party agenda. Make calls, send letters and STAY IN THERE. Like Mirah says, don’t get burned out or feel dejected. Like Michelle says, TAKE THE HIGH ROAD. (avoid the hate speech and nasty exaggerations eg, hyperbole.) We must appeal to the sensible middle of all parties. Anger and hate begets more of the same.

