What you need to successfully work remotely

Roberto Vázquez González
2 min readJul 26, 2019


Freelancers Day

Last July 4th, our friends from Coworking Company got the idea to celebrate Freelancers Day in Spain with the coordination of the coworking Spaces who wanted to join us.

Space Context

As you may know, I’m the co-founder of the coworking space where I work every day, which is called Corker Space, space I run with my partner Nuria Pérez.

She already got the idea to arrange talks in the space, and we found a good idea to start those talks with the opportunity which Jaime Aranda offered us by joining this initiative.

Our space is a small coworking, and Cádiz is a not a startup area, but we wanted to shake the community and find out as good talent as possible to make the event. And we really found it, super close from us.

The Conference

We luckily knew some of the speakers but also we found in the way awesome freelancers who also joined us, creating an amazing and interesting day, where we learnt a lot from each.

The list of speakers who joined as to Freelancers day (by schedule order) where:

  • Nuno Branco(Communications Coach) with his The Art of Conscious Negotiation, essential advice in modern times to arrive at conscious business goals.
  • Borja Girón(SEO Consultant) who explained how his making his living from his blog page and how to achieve it in 7 steps.
  • Pete Reynolds (Content Specialist) teaches all of us a super smart and simple strategy to get 10,000 visitors to your new website and kickstart your SEO!
  • Ines, Jesús Dani y Damián from The Branx explained us a new concept (at least for me), the Brand Experience and how the successfully apply to their clients.
  • Miguel Navarro Cuevas, lastly but not with less importance, walked through how much important is to set up a correct Technology RoadMap during project implementations.

Such a big level 🤩!

My talk

My talk was just about what I learned and I think anyone needs to successfully work remotely, a set of tips I apply after having polish my workflow during +5 years I already spend working remotely.

So here the Google Drive Slides if anyone finds them interesting.


Even with the excitement which produces to talk in front of people, it was super nice to do it, get the feedback and hopefully teach something to someone.

Additionally, was great to connect and start creating a community with other freelancers who work in your local area. Such events, awake your brain and boost your energies to start or push your projects, share ideas with other professionals to validate or iterate over them.

I think we all grow by sharing!

Originally published at https://robertovg.com.



Roberto Vázquez González

JS Engineer with 10+ years experience, CorkerSpace.com Co-founder and 🏄🧘‍🎸 - Currently focused on the frontend, UX, and FP. 💛js (^es6) - robertovg.com -