Robert E. Saunders
Robert E. Saunders

Who is this Guy?

I grew up in Southeastern Ohio, but have lived in West Virginia for many, many moons. I settled in the Mountain State after spending a good portion of my young adult years in aimless wandering and contemplation. The rest of the time I just goofed off.

West Virginia is a good fit for me. I love the hills, the trout streams and the trails. My outdoor pursuits include fishing, hiking, backpacking, camping and paddling (I used to hunt, but now consider myself retired from it). I live in a rural area with a woman and three dogs. Daughter done grown up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T. (Edit: The woman insists I tell you she's my wife: She's my wife. Seriously, she is.)

I've worked at a newspaper for...well, too long. I started out as a staff photographer, then got into writing. They made me an editor about the same time the print industry fell into decline (coincidence?). I edit a couple of weekly sections, and also a slick magazine.

I joined Medium because I enjoy reading people's stories, and also to motivate me to write more outdoor stories – my first love. Outdoor writers that have influenced me include Edward Abbey, Norman Maclean, Jim Harrison, John Gierach, Thomas McGuane, Nick Lyons, Ted Leeson, Robert Traver, William G. Tapply and many more. Not a big poetry reader, but I can read Mary Oliver any day, any time.

I have a special place in my library for humorists. Many people love to get mystical and philosophical about nature and the outdoors. I'm guilty of it myself. But let's face it – it's been done by the best (John Muir, Thoreau, just to name two), so the bar is high.

But there's something absurdly funny about humans venturing forth into the great outdoors, and writers who can successfully tap into that vein are rare. I grew up pouring through old magazines to read the humor columns by Ed Zern (who was from West Virginia, by the way), Corey Ford and Patrick F. McManus. Later, I collected their books.

Speaking of outdoors humor, I haven't found much of it on Medium (nor in the magazines these days). Perhaps my own meager attempts will help fill a niche. While I find it fun to write “yarns,” I would never compare myself to the humorists mentioned above. But if you get a chuckle out of one of my zany outdoors pieces, let me know in comments. I'd appreciate hearing from you.

I'll also be doing some memoir-style nostalgic pieces, essays and perhaps even some commentary. Some days, when I sit down at my laptop, I never know what words will come out, sort of like playing Scrabble.

I'll close with words to live by from none other than the great Patrick F. McManus:

“Smoked carp tastes just as good as smoked salmon when you ain't got no smoked salmon.”

Medium member since August 2023
Robert E. Saunders

Robert E. Saunders

Robert E. Saunders is a newspaper and magazine editor, writer and outdoors enthusiast. Reading him won't help your side hustle.