Generate Template Files with Ease

Robert S (codeBelt)
3 min readMay 31, 2019


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generate-template-files is a simple code generator that is independent from any language. All you need is NodeJS installed and you can start generating files.

Personally I was tired of creating boilerplate code for redux/ngrx/vuex. This npm package is not only for JavaScript/Front-end projects. It’s for any project that you need to create common consistent code that you and your team can use. I have a co-worker using it with Wordpress Gutenberg. Ok enough fluff.


npm install generate-template-files --save-dev


Usually I create a generate.js file and place it inside a tools directory along side a templates directory.

┣━ package.json
┣━ src
┗━ tools/
┣━ generate.js
┗━ templates/
┣━ __model__Model.ts
┗━ __store__Reducer.ts


The above script will produce the following options to be selected.

Once an option is selected (Create Redux Store) you will be asked a few more questions:

You can call generate.js directly:

node tools/generate.js

Or add a script to package.json:

"scripts": {
"generate": "node ./tools/generate.js"
// npm run generate


Let’s look at my __store__Reducer.ts below as an example. Notice the Replacer Slots __store__ and __model__ scattered all over. Since I entered defaultCase: '(pascalCase)' above. All the text you enter will become PascalCase by default. If you want a different Case Converter inside your files or folder/file path(s) you can do something like __model__(camelCase).

Full list of Case Converters :

(noCase)        // Lives down BY the River
(camelCase) // livesDownByTheRiver
(constantCase) // LIVES_DOWN_BY_THE_RIVER
(dotCase) //
(kebabCase) // lives-down-by-the-river
(lowerCase) // livesdownbytheriver
(pascalCase) // LivesDownByTheRiver
(pathCase) // lives/down/by/the/river
(sentenceCase) // Lives down by the river
(snakeCase) // lives_down_by_the_river
(titleCase) // Lives Down By The River

Compare this file with the next one below to see how the Replacer Slots and the Case Converters work.


In the screenshots above I entered in the following:
__store__ = 'some thing' and __model__ = 'other thing'

That’s it! For more information checkout the project and examples on Github . Oh, give it a star if you like it ;)

npm module: generate-template-files

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