It Began with The Refresher Courses

15 min readDec 29, 2020


I’m Connor, when this story began in 1998 I was 46 years old. Mr. Average, decent job (Parts Manager at an automotive supply company), nice house (on mortgage when this story began), his and hers cars.

I was married to Michelle, 45 years old — looked 30, 5 feet 4 ins tall, very good looking, brunette with long dark brown hair. Great figure 35–26–36, with beautiful, still firm, breasts and very responsive nipples.

We had two children, both grown up and working. Our daughter, Laura, 23 years old, and a perfect clone of her mother down to the last detail, had been married to John for two years. Our son, Paul, 21 years old, lived with his girlfriend. Both siblings lived and worked in London. They rarely visited us, even at holiday times. Why would they be, they had loads of friends and the world was their oyster.

When this story began, Michelle worked as P.A. (Personal Assistant) to an executive of a major finance company based in the City of London, she had been with them a bit more than 5 years.

Michelle and I had been married for 25 years. I loved her as much as, if not more, than I did on our wedding day, and I had always trusted her implicitly. Our sex life had always been good, and we had learned to please each other very well during our years together! Sex with Michelle was great, in and out of bed, if unadventurous.

For a few years I had had a fantasy about watching her having sex with another man. Not because I didn’t love her to bits, but because, for some reason that I cannot work out, the idea of seeing her kissed, caressed and taken really turned me on! I understand that this is a fantasy that many, otherwise normal, men have. There have been various theories as to why this happens but none of them are really convincing, just a dangerous quirk in our characters, I guess.

I had told Michelle about my fantasy and, when we talked about it while we were making love, it turned her on as well. Her orgasms always came much more quickly, were bigger and more sustained, when we did. However, she had always refused to consider making it reality rather than fantasy. she said she just did not want to do it with anyone else!

Michelle’s employers were a progressive company and seemed to have a good training ethic. They would rather train their existing staff into more senior positions than recruit externally, wherever possible.

The Company had 6 Senior Executives who had founded the company together, and had built it into a major and respected player in its field. Each of the Senior Executives had a female P.A. (Personal Assistant) and these six ladies were looked on almost as the power behind the thrones. They were all in the 35 to 45 years old range, all stunningly good looking and very bright.

Four times a year the Company held what it called ‘Refresher Courses’ for its Senior Executives and their P.A.s. These courses were held In March, June, September and December. The courses were held over a weekend and were billed as ‘Work Related, With Social Evenings’.

The December ‘courses’ were always held at the Chief Executive’s estate, in the Surrey countryside, south of London. The other three ‘courses’ were usually held at a private estate on the Spanish island of Majorca, owned by the Company. The objective of these courses was said to be, “To Maintain The ‘Understanding’ Between the Executive Group, That Made For Quick And Successful Decision Making”. They were said to be, ‘not jollies’!

During the December ‘Refresher’, the P.A.s received their end of year bonuses in the form of, tax free, cheques. The substantial cheques that Michelle had received in each of the four previous years had paid off most of the mortgage on their home.

No marital partners were allowed on the ‘refreshers’ as it was all ‘work related’, but a few major clients of the Company occasionally received invitations!

So, there we were, Friday December 10th, I had taken the afternoon off work to see Michelle off.

She had packed for the weekend at the ‘Funny Farm’, as she calls it. I noticed that she had packed a couple of very sexy cocktail dresses and new sets of lingerie, as well as jeans and jumpers. They always dressed for dinner in the evenings, ladies in cocktail dresses and the men in dinner suits.

“I’ll miss you, as usual,” I said as Michelle prepared to leave.

“Me too,” she replied. “It’ll be the usual boring event, and I’ll be looking forward to coming home and making it up to you when I get back. Have some champagne in the fridge ready.” And she smiled, with a twinkle in her eye.

I began to get horny at the thought of it. “Enjoy yourself,” I said, “don’t tire yourself out too much, you work hard enough all year without these sessions. Try to have some fun as well.”

Sometimes, when she got back from these events, she was so tired that for a few days afterwards she was in bed and asleep early each evening, with no energy for making love.

The car sent by the Company arrived around 2.30pm. “I love you,” she said, “See you Sunday evening.” And she blew me a kiss as she skipped down the drive.

About an hour after she’d left, the phone rang. It was Susan, a former associate of Michelle’s. She’d been an Executive’s P.A. at the company, but had left them 3 months previously.

“Hi, is Michelle there please, Connor?” She’d asked.

“No, she’s gone to the ‘Refresher’,” I’d replied.

“Oh dear, I was really hoping to speak to her before she went,” Susan had said.

I’d asked her if it was something urgent and, if so, couldn’t she call on Michelle’s mobile. Then I’d remembered, mobile phones were banned at ‘Refresher ‘weekends.

Susan had sounded very down, so I’d said, “Is there anything wrong Susan. Can I be of any help?”

She’d said “No!” and had been silent for a few seconds, then she went on, hesitantly, “Do you, um, know anything about the ‘Refresher’ weekends?” She’d asked.

“Just that it’s a, work related, refresher course and always seems to be very tiring.” I’d replied.

After another pause, she’d said, “I don’t know if I should say anything. Michelle will kill me if I do!”

“What is it? “I’d asked, thoroughly alarmed.

She’d said, “Connor, as you know, I used to be one of the Excecutives’ P.A.s at Michelle’s offices, and I had to go on the ‘Refreshers’ with the other girls.”

“Yes, so,” I’d replied.

More hesitation, then she’d said, “You must promise, you will never tell my husband what I am about to tell you.”

I wondered what the hell she was talking about, I didn’t even know her husband. “OK, I promise,” I’d said.

“Those ‘Refreshers’ are just an excuse for a weekend orgy of sex,” she’d said. “I know because I used to take part, but I won’t do it anymore, that’s why I gave up the job. Jack (her husband) must never know, he’d throw me out. I was going to try for the last time to persuade Michelle not to go.” She’d said.

I was shaken. Susan had to be wrong. Michelle wouldn’t do anything like that. She wouldn’t even go along with my fantasy about sex with another man.

Susan was crying down the phone by then. “Don’t worry,” I’d said, “I won’t ever tell your husband what you’ve told me, but if it is true, why has no one told the authorities or the press about it?”

“Because the Executives made everyone sign a non-disclosure agreement, before they were appointed as P.A.s. They’d be liable for huge financial penalties if they said anything.” She’d replied. “I am taking that risk by talking to you now, please don’t ever say that it was me that told you about it.”

I was still in shock. “Thank you for telling me,” I’d said, as I put the phone down.

Could it be true? Was Michelle taking part in sex orgies, four times a year? I decided to go to the estate and find out for myself. I tried to call Michelle’s mobile phone, but of course, it was turned off. I went to our bedroom and there was her phone sitting by the bed. No phones allowed at ‘Refreshers’!

I knew where the estate was located. It was a couple of hours drive away. I’d grabbed my coat and car keys and left the house. As I’d got into my car, I’d wondered how I was going to get into the ‘Refresher’ house. I knew they had security there, to make sure no one could get in uninvited. Then I’d had an idea, I would wear my dinner suit, and try to pretend I was one of the official “guests”. Thirty minutes later, I’d changed my clothes, had a shave and then set off. It was going to be about 9pm before I arrived.

When I got there, and pulled up on the large gravel turning circle in front of the house, the lights were on all over the first floor. Unusually, none of the ground floor lights seemed to be turned on. The blinds were pulled down over the windows anyway, so it was impossible to see inside.

There was a temporary security booth by the steps going up to the front door, manned by two security guards, one younger man and one older, grey haired, guy.

“I’m afraid you can’t go in, sir.” The younger man had said.

“I must see my wife,” I’d said, “It’s urgent.”

“Sorry sir,” he’d said, “I can’t let you in for any reason, those are my instructions.”

They wouldn’t let me pass, and I was becoming more worried.

“You’ll have to leave, sir.” The guard had said, and I could see I wasn’t going to get anywhere with them.

I’d gone back to my car and driven back down the drive, then turned off, and parked out of sight under some trees. I’d decided to try and break in!

I’d crept up to the house and started to walk round it, trying doors and windows as I went. All were securely locked. I was about three quarters of the way round, when I was startled by a voice from the bushes. “Over here, sir,” it had said. It was the second security officer, the grey haired one. He was making a check around the house, being pretty sure that I would try to get in somehow. I went over to him.

“I know you are pretty worried about your wife, sir,” he’d said, “and I think you’re wise to be worried! I’ve stood security here a few times, and there are some strange goings on I can tell you. I wouldn’t want any woman in my family to be in there! I’m retiring next week, and I’m not worried about my job, so I’ll let you in a side door, if you want. Just don’t drop me in it! The way you are dressed you should fit in, so you won’t look out of place in there. All the men wear masks over the top half of their faces, I’ve got one here for you. Good luck, I hope you find your wife alright.” And with that he’d unlocked a door and let me in!

I’d found myself in a kind of storage area, off a kitchen. I’d left the kitchen and walked through the ground floor, just a few low lights on in the corridors. The rooms seemed mainly offices, there was no one about.

When I got to the front of the house, I came to a grand staircase up to the first floor. I’d gone up the staircase and found myself in another corridor, but there were lights on in the room at the end, and the sound of music and voices. I’d put on the mask that the guard had given me, it covered my upper face, forehead and nose. No one would know I wasn’t a guest, I’d thought.

I was only just in time putting on the mask. A door had opened at the side. A man in a mask with his dress shirt unbuttoned, and pulled out of his waistband, and with his tie undone, had come out of what was clearly a rest room.

The man had looked at me and said, “Feeling cold, old man?” and hurried down the corridor to the room at the end.

I’d quickly gone into the rest room. What had he meant, “feeling cold?” Then it dawned on me, I had my dinner suit jacket on. I’d quickly taken it off and hung it on a hook in a broom cupboard. I rumpled my hair and undid my bow tie and a couple of buttons on my shirt.

I’d left the rest room, and gone down the corridor, to the room with the music. I’d entered the room, which was a large, well furnished, lounge, with a bar at the side. The main lights were all softly dimmed, there were standard lamps around groups of couches and low tables giving more localised light.

I was astonished at what I saw! There were a number of men, in various stages of undress, and a few naked or semi-naked women, in various stages of sexual intimacy with the men!

The women were not wearing masks. One woman was kneeling on a footstool, with a man’s cock in her mouth, whilst another man was fucking her from the rear. Another woman was lying on a couch, being fucked by a middle aged man with a pot belly!

I’d looked round for Michelle, and to my relief, I’d seen that she wasn’t amongst them. Like a fool, I’d thought that she obviously wouldn’t get involved in what was going on there.

There were several doors around the sides of the lounge, one had opened, and a man had come out dressed only in a shirt and boxers. He’d looked at me, “Christ, that one is super hot!” he’d exclaimed.

He’d left the door open, and when I’d looked in, there was my wife. Michelle was naked, she was sitting on the bed, wiping her pussy with a handful of tissues. She’d obviously just been fucked, and was cleaning herself up after someone had come in her!

Before I could get over my shock and horror, a tall black man wearing a mask had gone into the room, and had gone straight over to Michelle as she sat on the bed. He’d bent down and kissed her, she’d put her hand behind his head and held him tight to her lips, as they’d obviously French kissed.

His hands had gone straight to her breasts, and he’d proceeded to caress and stroke them as she’d reached for his trouser zip and had undone it. She’d released his cock from his trousers, it was still quite soft, but it was already at least 7 inches long!

Then the man had noticed that the door was still open, and he went to it and closed it. Jesus, Michelle was in there, about to be fucked again, and this time by a big black cock. What should I have done? I couldn’t just leave them to it, but it was obvious that she was a willing participant.

I’d walked, as casually as I could, to the door. No one, seemed to have been taking any notice of me, they were all too busy. I did notice that a couple of the women were servicing two men at a time!

I’d grasped the door handle, opened the door quickly, and slipped inside. As I’d closed the door again, the black man had turned and looked at me. He’d smiled and said, “You can watch if you want, or we can do her together.” I’d just waved a hand limply at him. “Ok, you can sit over there,” he’d said, pointing to a chair by the far side of the bed.

Michelle had looked at me but clearly didn’t recognise me. She’d looked a bit puzzled but had turned back to her black lover.

I sat in the chair, my head was buzzing, I’d wanted to stop them, but at the same time, I’d realised that my cock was straining to break through my trousers. My fantasy was about to be enacted in front of me, and I’d wanted to see it! If I’d stopped them, I wouldn’t have saved her from anything that she hadn’t already done, with at least one of the other men, and probably more.

He’d taken off his trousers and boxers and moved his cock to Michelle’s mouth. She’d taken hold of it with both hands and had licked the precum off the end. She’d looked up and him and smiled, as she’d opened her mouth and taken him in.

She’d started to move her head backwards and forwards on his cock, getting more of it in her mouth each time. He’d started thrusting, and it was soon obvious, that he was in her throat at the end of each thrust. He’d used her mouth for five or six minutes, and as he did so, he was squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples.

Then he’d pulled out of her mouth, got between her opened legs, and brought his mouth down to her wet pussy. He’d started to lick her slit from the bottom to the top, with his tongue an inch or so inside her. She’d started to hump up at him, trying to get more in, then he’d sucked her clitoris into his mouth, and she’d had a shuddering orgasm.

As she’d come down from her orgasm, he’d positioned his rigid cock, by now at least 9 inches long and very thick, at her opening. He’d started to rub it up and down on her, coating himself with her juices. Then, leaning forward a little, he’d pushed the head into her, and she’d gasped.

“Oh, you’re big,” Michelle had whispered, “big and gorgeous.”

He’d begun to thrust, backwards and forwards, getting a bit more of his cock into her with each forward thrust. She’d begun to moan softly, as another orgasm began to build up inside her.

As his thrusting had continued, she’d arched her back, and pushed her head back into the pillows. Her eyelids had flickered, and her eyes had rolled upwards. She’d gripped the bedcovers fiercely, with both hands, in her ecstasy. Her knees were pulled up as high as she could get them, making it easier for him to push the whole of his huge cock into her belly. She was almost delirious with ecstasy as she came.

She’d started to shout, “Fuck me, fuck me, please! Let me feel all of you inside me. Fuck me good and hard! Let me have your cum, fill my pussy!”

“You want my baby seed in you, sweetie?” He’d grunted.

“Yes, oh yes!” She’d cried. “Give me your seed, make a baby in me. I’m yours to use!”

I was beside myself with lust, anger and horror. She had no protection, no condom, and she wasn’t on the pill. She was going to take his cum, and she wanted to have his baby. She’d wanted him to make her pregnant!

He was pumping steadily into her. I felt sick, but also fascinated, by the sight of the whole of his huge baby making tool, disappearing inside my lovely wife’s unprotected pussy.

Then his pace had increased, and he was slamming into her as fast as he could, while she continued to encourage him. Suddenly he’d stiffened, and I knew he was about to cum. Then with a loud shout, he’d thrust all the way in hard, two, three, four times, then he’d held his cock deep in her for ages, while he’d emptied his balls into her.

He’d collapsed onto her, and his cum had started to ooze out of her pussy, around his softening cock. She’d kissed him. They’d kissed deeply then he’d rolled off her.

“God, you’re the best fuck here, by a long shot,” he’d said.

“Thanks for the compliment,” she’d replied, “and that was the best fuck I’ve had all day.”

As he’d got off the bed, he’d turned to me and said, “Well, it’s your turn now, but I’ve probably made that pussy a bit slack for you.” He’d picked up his trousers and underwear, and left the room chuckling.

Michelle had turned to me with a smile, and said, “Just let me slip into the bathroom and clean up a bit, then you can have me all to yourself.”

I’d pulled my mask off and shouted, “What the fuck are you doing? What sort of slut are you?”

She’d gone as white as a sheet. “Oh, Christ. What are you doing here?” She’d said.

“I came to save you from being used like some sort of a whore,” I’d said, “but I see that I wasted my time and my concern! You really are a whore!”

“No! I can explain,” she’d cried.

“What’s to explain?” I said, “I’ve seen it for myself! I’ve seen that two men have fucked you in the last half hour, how many more have you fucked?”

“Three of them,” she’d said quietly, “Two of them twice.”

“That’s five men you have fucked in one day.” I’d said.

“I’ll fuck them all during the weekend,” she’d said. “All the girls will.”

“How many is that?” I’d asked.

“Twelve, but some of them more than once.” She’d replied.

Then a thought hit me. “Where do you sleep?” I’d asked.

“Oh, there are lots of bedrooms.” She’d said.

“Do you sleep on your own?” I’d asked.

“No, this weekend there are 12 men, each of us women will share with two of them tonight, and another two, tomorrow night.” She’d said.

“Which ones are you going to share your bed with?” I’d asked.

“I don’t know yet,” she’d replied, “we’ll draw lots later.”

“Ye Gods! How long have you been doing this?” I’d asked.

“Four times a year for the last five years,” was her reply, tossing her head back in defiance. “The first time was difficult, but then I found that I enjoyed the experience. And I did it for us!”

