Post 4

Owen Roberts
2 min readNov 5, 2018


On BBC radio, Kanye West gave an interview, Kanye West BBC Radio, discussing classism and the suffrage minorities face through the idealism classism. This interview was published in 2013 by BBC radio on all media platforms including youtube. In the interview Kanye West expresses how racism has been diminished and this idea that a new form of racism was created to help continue to place restrictions of the success of minorities and the less fortunate. A new form of racism, Kanye explains, is the idea of implementing classism in our society through either education or in business, that helps separate the less fortunate from the more fortunate as classism presents certain opportunities to those of certain social class. As the racial divide was diminishing the government needed a new way to continue suffrage among minorities by implementing the idea of classism in our society.

The interview Kanye West BBC Radio, on BBC radio opened my eyes and change my mind on the impact classism has on society. Classism impacts society greater than I thought and through so many ways of society besides education. Understanding Mr. West and his ideas of how classism destroys our society, will open many peoples’ eyes on the truth of how our social contract is really made up. This interview explains how the oppressed stay oppressed as classism results in unequal distribution of opportunities of success. As Kanye, a minority, has experienced classism in the business world along with the music industry when trying to reach certain points of success, he is credible to speak on this issues as he has witnessed it first hand and sees the amount of others that are being oppressed by classism.

After watching this interview, in conclusion, I was able to understand more of how classism affects other parts of society besides just education. I came to the understanding that classism takes place just as much if not even more in business than in education, as minorities or those of less fortunate backgrounds are looked down upon when trying to move up the social ladder of success. This interview made this idea of classism more clear, it’s a way to oppress the already oppressed by giving them unequal opportunities to reach success while those of higher power stay in power. In conclusion society will never move forward and prosper if we continue to have an unequal distribution of opportunities amongst social classes for people to succeed.

works cited

brown, mack. “Video Brilliant Kanye West Has A Lot To Say! Part 2 Interview With Zane About Classism, Self Hate.” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Sept. 2013,

