What is Gratitude?

Karen Roberts
3 min readJul 27, 2021

Which Definition Appeals to You?

Gratitude is becoming a hot topic these days — probably because much is being said about how it benefits you and enriches your life. We all have some ideas about what gratitude is. But it’s probably more than you think.

Some people believe gratitude is a feeling of being grateful. Others look at it as more of a mood. Some folks believe gratitude is a character trait that a person exhibits. Others look at it as a virtue. Some view it as a thankful state of mind. These can all be correct. Gratitude can be viewed as mindset, a practice, or something you perform regularly.

The Spiritual Aspect of Gratitude

Most people make a practice of something because it benefits them. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that provides you with a number of benefits that will transform your life for the better. It is a choice that you make every day — to express gratitude even when you don’t feel like it…or not.

As with other practices, the more you work at it, the better you’ll become at demonstrating gratitude. Of course, as Christians, the work of developing gratitude is more than just something we practice. It’s a quality that Christ works into our lives when we allow Him to change us.



Karen Roberts

Writer, Internet Marketer, Grandma, Assistant homeschooler, Retired caseworker, former summer camp director