How to mitigate the effects of image tarnishing on the Internet

Robert Sussman
2 min readApr 26, 2017


The Internet is a two way street of information gathering and information spreading. The collection and aggregation of information is the job of the search engines. Some intelligent people realized the efficacy of this algorithm and slipped in ‘information‘ (as in unverified).

The resources of the internet now works to the advantage of this brilliant band of people who are tagged with the label ‘nefarious’. This word also means ‘Unscrupulous’ and this description is apt. Unverified information is also some kind of news and the good people on Earth will swallow it hook line and sinker.

An example is the preposterous labeling of Robert Sussman Timeshare Fraud on the people. Robert Sussman Vacation Tree is a Company promoted by Robert to help sellers of timeshare to approach buyers. It is an online marketplace.

Unlike the earlier days where information was at a premium the sellers list their properties with pictures on Robert Sussman rent or Sell forums. This ecommerce portal makes it easier for people to check out the properties, interact with other timeshare owners and receive a genuine feedback. The fact that millennials are driving the resale timeshare business best underscores the experience of Mr. Sussman who spotted the opportunity and was the first to cash in.

The ‘information’ of timeshare scams devised by Mr. Robert confused the people browsing the web portal. Robert the 60-year-old effable personality has a chuckle in his eye and a graceful laughter when the media confront him. He shrugs away such meaningless accusations and opens the doors of his call centers at Robert Sussman El Cajun, CA and Robert Sussman, Las Vegas, NV.

Since his operations are transparent these baseless labels are like water off a duck’s back. They do not stick. The label of Robert Sussman Vacation Tree scam is a figment in the imagination of Robert’s detractors which like everything in his life he just shrugs. Nothing fazes him for in his heart he knows the truth.

