50 Cent: Blood On the Sand Is Good. No, Wait, It’s Great.


He just wants his mother f’n skull.

When 50 Cent: Bulletproof came out for the original Xbox, it was…okay. I dunno what it was that threw me off about it, but it just didn’t hook me like other games at the time. It was probably because I didn’t know too much about the acclaimed rap artist/actor at the time. Heck, one time I was in a private Astro Gaming suite with him and didn’t even recognize him till after he left. (“That was Fiddy, wasn’t it?”)

But, 50 Cent: Blood On the Sand…now that’s a different story. Some people call this an absolutely absurd action game, and some laugh it off so badly that they won’t even get around to playing it. But, let me tell ya, the team at Swordfish Studios (are they still around?) worked their magic here, with a game that’s so ridiculous and over-the-top that it’s a must play. There’s a reason that people are paying more than $60 for a copy on eBay just to have it for Xbox Series S/X. (Yes, it’s backward compatible.)

Anyway, the game follows Fiddy and his associate (one of three members of his crew, which you select) following a concert. Things turn south quickly, and he’s on a quest to mow down terrorists all while going after a special skull. No, hold up, I mean a special mother f***ing skull. Because that’s how he refers to it over the course of the game.

Now, this game is bonkers. 50 and his boy mow down opponents and even get into skirmishes with a great deal of power behind them, all while 50 Cent songs play in the background. But the game itself is a tour-de-force in action, with car chases complete with ramps (“Hit that ramp, Fiddy!”), bonuses to acquire by meeting certain challenges, a bunch of collectibles to find and so much more.

What’s more, you can play with a buddy in co-op, and that just adds to the fun. In fact, it gives the game a competitive edge as you try to see who can get the higher score. Oh, and did I mention there are helicopters? Lots and lots of helicopters. (Apparently, this was a request from 50’s son while the game was in development. So, yes, helicopters!)

The game doesn’t look bad either, and it seems to bring out more in 50 Cent than Bulletproof did, at least from a casual point of view. I’m not sure what the hardcore fans have to say between the two, but I enjoyed Blood on the Sand so much more.

And the decision to add the game to Xbox Series S/X backward compatibility is an absolute gem. People have been enjoying it, even if you require the physical disc to play it. (You can’t get it digitally.) And that means paying a high price for a good copy on eBay, which isn’t the worst thing in the world. If you find it for a lower price, jump on that sucker.

Overall, I think 50 Cent: Blood On the Sand is a triumphant action opus. Perfect? Hardly. But fun? Absolutely. And having a friend along for the ride just makes it all the more worth it. I’m surprised it doesn’t have more of 50’s radio hits in the mix (“In the Club” is only mentioned in words), but overall it’s a nice tribute to the star.

Now all we need is THQ to give it some kind of remaster re-release. They’ve obviously done it to a lot of games in the past, so it would be a real fit here. Heck, we could even call it 50 Cent: Blood On the Sand Re-50d. (Feel free to use that, guys.)

C’mon, we need it to happen. He’s gonna need all the help he can get to find his mother f***ing skull.

Have a good Sunday, everyone!



Psychobabble- Video Games + More by Robert Workman

Former game journalist now working on helping others. All about talking video games, bad movies, shows and more. Oh, and I have a Battletoads tattoo. Hi Mom!