Disney Is All In With Tron Again, and I’m Good With That


Oh, yeah, I’ll need to buy this day one. (Thanks Robb Alvey!)

Would I say I’m a fan of Disney’s stuff? I am, but maybe in a different way than most.

I mean, I can relate to my niece and my nephew when it comes to discussing good animated movies or even (gasp) musicals or what not, but I’m talking about the deeper Disney stuff that most people pass on. Like Disney’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire, which is a masterpiece. And I liked Treasure Planet as well. Don’t @ me, I thought it was great.

But, of course, there’s a special place in my heart for Tron. When I was 9 years old, I remember seeing this piece of work and being absolutely mesmerized by it. I mean, granted, it looks primitive compared to today’s stuff. But back in the 80s, this was magic.

And then Tron just went on to be a cult favorite for several years, with Disney not paying it any mind. Until 2010, when Tron: Legacy came out and really wowed us with an expanded version of its universe. Sure, some people weren’t crazy with mad-CG Jeff Bridges, but who cares?! We got more of the lore, more exciting visceral scenes (in 3D) and more of the story. Not to mention Flynn’s Arcade was back.

And then, again, dormant, at least for a little while. Though I did love the Tron: Uprising animated series that we got, featuring good ol’ Elijah Wood doing his thing.

Now here we are, 2023, and I believe Tron is on the comeback trail. A new movie is potentially in the works with Jared Leto set to star. There’s the new Tron Lightcycle Run ride opening in Disney World next month, which I’ve ridden twice and is absolutely fun while it lasts. (It’s a short one, but a good one.) And apparently there’s a ton of new merchandise that I need to get my hands on immediately, as shown in the pics below.

Yes, please. (Thanks, Robb Alvey!)
Yes, I would be nearly 50 years old and wearing this backpack. (Thanks, Robb Alvey!)

Disney appears to be all-in with Tron again, which I’m good with. I believe it even went as far as to fly in Cindy Morgan and Bruce Boxleitner from the original film to check it out. No word if Bridges has yet, but I’m sure they’ll get him soon enough.

They even got Disney characters doing their thing in Tron gear. I never thought I’d see the day we got Tron Goofy, but here we are. And I don’t mind it in the least.


It’s just great to see it get its due. The original film was a masterpiece, and I enjoyed Tron: Legacy as well, even if it came up slightly short with certain aspects of its story. No matter. I’m thrilled to see it come full circle. Maybe Atlantis can get similar treatment. (One would think.)

Anyway, one other important aspect to remember is the games. The Tron arcade games (including Discs of Tron) are excellent, and available in Arcade1up form, which I highly recommend for collectors. (One day for me, once I have the budget…and the room.)

But there’s more. Tron: Evolution is still an underappreciated game that really opens up the universe even further. And you can play it on Xbox Series S/X, thanks to full backward compatibility. (Pat on the back for Disney Interactive making that happen.)

And, finally, Bithell Games’ story-based Tron: Identity drops next month, and, honestly, looks like a compelling narrative for the game. It may not be as action-packed as, say, Evolution, but it does provide a great new ripple in the Tron universe. More indie devs should be able to work on franchises on this level. It’d be a huge win.

Mind my gushing, but I always had a fond appreciation for Tron where others didn’t. And the fact it lives on again — 40 years after its arrival (man, I’m old) — is excellent. And we’re not done yet, with a new movie coming and who knows what else.

Get out there and enjoy Tron. This is one line I don’t want to see end.



Psychobabble- Video Games + More by Robert Workman

Former game journalist now working on helping others. All about talking video games, bad movies, shows and more. Oh, and I have a Battletoads tattoo. Hi Mom!