What If We Called It the Super Nintendo Switch?


It’s likely coming this year, so let’s give the successor to the Nintendo Switch a proper name.

Speculation is running wild on Nintendo’s next iteration of the Nintendo Switch. It’s coming. It has to be.

Dev specs are already running wild. There’s talk that backward compatibility will be a huge factor. And there’s also word that the system can run…Xbox and PlayStation games? Well then.

Whatever the case, the next step in the Nintendo Switch’s cycle has to be a big one. But a lot of people are already going back and forth on what to call it. The Nintendo Switch 2? The Nintendo Gameheld? The Nintendo Ultra? (Okay, I made up that last one.)

Look, let me resolve this right now. We’ll call it…the Super Nintendo Switch.

Now hear me out. That may sound stupid to some of you, but it feels like Nintendo may be doing a callback to its glory days with the system, seeing how it’s talking with some “secret” developers to work on some of its franchises. That means more key tie-ins and more fresh approaches, like we saw in the GameCube days. (Remember when Bandai Namco did alright on a StarFox game?)

So why “Super”? Because it’s a throwback in itself. When the Nintendo conquered the world years ago, Nintendo followed it up with…get ready for it…the Super Nintendo. Or Super NES. But the key word there was “Super.” And they did the same thing with the Super Game Boy, giving people a chance to enjoy their classic games in a whole new light.

So, sure, Super Nintendo Switch. Again, that doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue like, say, “SNES.” But it’s a novel name for a system that would no doubt exceed the original Nintendo Switch in terms of power and potentially build. (Hopefully with better JoyCons this time around, fingers crossed.)

Anyway, it’s just an idea. But I do hope that Nintendo figures out something along those lines, to get people excited for one of the company’s grandest eras. That means a comeback for Punch-Out!! maybe. Or even F-Zero GX, now that Sega apparently seems open to the idea again. Actually, when’s the last time we saw Kid Icarus?

Just throwing some ideas out there. But hopefully you see where I’m coming from. How does Super sit with you?

Have a great week, everyone! Or rather, a super week? Ehhhh? I’ll see myself out.



Psychobabble- Video Games + More by Robert Workman

Former game journalist now working on helping others. All about talking video games, bad movies, shows and more. Oh, and I have a Battletoads tattoo. Hi Mom!