Onward to Google Research & Machine Intelligence

Rob Giampietro
2 min readAug 8, 2017


Google is an exciting place to work — as soon as you’re comfortable in one spot, it’s almost inevitable that an opportunity will come along that will ask you to stretch in new ways and do things you haven’t done before. That happened for me recently, when I was invited to join a unique group, led by Blaise Agüera y Arcas, working inside Google’s Research & Machine Intelligence (RMI) team. There I will be helping to prototype experiences at the intersection of hardware, software, and machine intelligence, and growing a design team in NYC. I also look forward to contributing to some of RMI’s public cultural programs like Artists & Machine Intelligence and Human-Centered Machine Learning, along with a lot of internal R&D.

My time on Material Design has been intensely rewarding. Projects like programming and hosting the SPAN Design & Technology Conference (2015 & 2016), scaling design.google, reimagining Google Fonts, and bringing Google’s design history to the London Design Museum are rare and special. I’ll miss being part of the team everyday, but I look forward to working closely together at Google from my new role.

In case you’re curious, here are a few links to get a better sense of what this and related teams at Google are researching and working on:

… and more at ai.google.

These are incredibly exciting times to be a designer. I look forward to the work ahead!



Rob Giampietro

Director of Design @MuseumModernArt. Sr Critic @RISD_GD. Alumni @GoogleDesign @AmAcademyRome @MacDowellColony