Photoshop ActionsI spend the majority of my time in OSX Terminal and my Atom text editor. However, when I was recently given the task to put together a…May 27, 2017May 27, 2017
CSS — A few things I didn’t learn in the ‘tutorials’I’ve spent some time trying to figure out some new styling in CSS that isn’t always standard in the ‘book’ or tutorials.May 21, 2017May 21, 2017
Balance Parenthesis in JavascriptWhat data structure to use when balancing parenthesis?May 6, 20176May 6, 20176
Media Queries (pt 1)There’s many frameworks for responsive design. I’ve used two of the most popular, Bootstrap, and Materialize. However, I wanted to see what…Apr 29, 2017Apr 29, 2017
Published inChatbot News DailyChatbot RevolutionChatbots are becoming more and more synonymous with everything we do in our day to day lives and we probably don’t even realize it.Apr 7, 2017Apr 7, 2017
As a Jr. developer one of the first times you can easily feel power as a programmer is using event…I want to run through a few of the most common events on a web page that can be used based with a user’s interaction.Apr 3, 2017Apr 3, 2017