Biweekly Report of June 8–22

5 min readJun 25, 2018


Welcome to the Robin8 Biweekly Update of June 8th to 22nd. Learn about our development progress and latest news from this update brought to you by the Robin8 team.

Technical Development, Operations and Marketing

Profile Management EcoSystem

  • The following method is implemented:

- Sell access to the profile

• Integration of JS client for implementation selling access of the profile to the web user interface was done.

• The Ethereum Blockchain parser was implemented. It allows getting information about transactions confirmation (refilling balance, profile registration, etc.).

• PMES was prepared for the multichain integration. Implementation of multichain with Ethereum (server side) was done.

• The PMES API Documentation was updated according to updated functionality.

Web user interface implementation for working with PMES

• The following methods were implemented:

. Review system

. Updated usability of the PMES: added. “unconfirmed” status for the content/offer. which is confirming in the blockchain. transaction. If the transaction is. confirmed, we remove “unconfirmed” status.

Cryptocurrency Exchange

• Refactoring of the balance server to IOhttp for increasing the speed of requests processing was finished.

• Simple user chat added.

• Quick Trading module was finished: when users order will be created it closes immediately, by prices from current open orders.

• Socket Cash Security module: web user interface cash for displaying balances in “real time” mode was implemented. Socket Cash Security module is in progress.

• The following improvements were done for the Blockchain parsers: daemons which responsible for blockchain parsing work in Queue mode.

• Added date and time, for any action stored in the history server.

• The functionality of deposit server was extended.

• Integration of the StorageRW module with Trade Machine module was finished.

• The Quick Trading was implemented in server and web user interface sides.


• The following methods were implemented:

. Get a balance for any QTUM address

. Send QTUM coins from one wallet to. another

. Put a OneCoinServer from the PMES on. a separate server with RPC-API

. Implemented replenish balance. functionality in the Wallet based on the. OneCoinServer.

Web user interface implementation for working with Wallet

• The following methods were implemented:

. Generatiom of public and private keys. for wallet creation

. Wallet creation by entering a password. for keystore file with encrypted public. and private keys

. Wallet creation from the mnemonic

. Restoring wallet from the private key

Operations and Marketing

. In the last two weeks, we held a Hackathon in Kiev, as well technology panel and a meetup in collaboration with Seekroad aimed at empowering users with their data. In addition, we also spoke as guests at the 2050 conference panel, and as a keynote speaker at the Geometry Transformation Program.

Robin8 holds tech panel, “The Future of Advertising and Blockchain”

. CEO of Robin8, Miranda Tan, held a panel on “The Future of Advertising and Blockchain” at the Morgan Stanley China Summit in Beijing. Alvin Foo, Bessie Lea, and Sapna Nemani were guests on the panel, and came to offer their insight on the topic.

Robin8 and Seekroad meetup held at Nanjing’s Tencent Incubator

. Robin8s tech meetup, in collaboration with Seekroad, was held on June 8th in Nanjing’s Tencent Incubator. Seekroad is a cycling project composed of Eva Yoo, and Jianin Li. The duo set out on a 10 month cycling adventure sponsored by Robin8, where they will travel through 13 countries, starting in China and ending in South Korea, and will organize 14 tech meetups for Robin8 along the way. The meetup’s are aimed at promoting the company’s Profile Management Ecosystem (PMES) and to help empower people by giving them control of their own data.

. Continue to stay tuned as they continue their excursion across China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, France, the UK, and South Korea (Eva’s home). More pictures and videos to come as we share the journey with Seekroad.

Robin8 in attendance at the 2050 Conference Panel

. Robin8’s Data Director, Martin Liu, spoke as a panelist at 2050 Conference’s panel in HZ on “How Technology can Create Gender Equality.” Other panelists include Philip Beck, Stephany Zoo, Michelle Li, and Alana Grassfield. A big thank you to 2050, and to Stephany Zoo for the great opportunity.

Robin8’s first PMES Hackathon

. On June 9th Robin8 held their first hackathon on their Profile Management Ecosystem (PMES) in Kiev, Ukraine. The Hackathon began at 9:30 in the morning, and ended around 10 pm that day. The groups participating in the hackathon were assigned various problems within the PMES and had to come up with solutions to the project. In total, 42 people participated in the hackathon, and 8 creative solutions to the problems were presented. Participants placing in the top 5 each received PUT prizes; 1st place received 25000 PUT, 2nd place — 15000 PUT, 3rd place — 10000 PUT, 4th place — 5000 PUT, 5th place — 3000 PUT.

. The PMES code in beta is available on Github for everyone to download and build their applications on;

Robin8 Keynotes at the Geometry Transformation Program

. On June 14th and 15th Robin8’s China GM of Sales and BD, Alex Chen, as well as Robin8’s Asia CTO, Calvin Wang, were Keynote speakers at the Geometry Transformation Program. They spoke on the. “Robin8 KOL Management Platform — Social Marketing powered by Machine Learning, Big Data, and Blockchain.” Geometry, formerly known as Ogilvy Activation, is a member of WPP and is China’s largest shopping marketing company, with over 800,000 offline promoters across China.

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Robin8 is a technology company focused on profiling, ranking and matching people. The platform is powered by big data and machine learning.