Nextblock Korea visits Robin8 in NYC

7 min readJun 22, 2018


Robin8 welcomes the Nextblock team to New York from Korea to discuss our future.

Below is a series of questions and answers we took from the conversation and wanted to share with the community.

Nextblock: We don’t see further progress after the app launched/ campaign on May 31. What is your future plan regarding the app?

Robin8: Blockchain and PMES timelines are located below (Figure 1). All Blockchain/PMES work has been completed on schedule and in some cases, earlier than anticipated. This work was to be the foundation of our PMES and did not represent user facing applications at this point.

As we know the key to getting the true value of PUT is to ensure it is being used in our PUT economy. In this regard, we are on schedule for our Wallet and Exchange for the later part of July and early August timeframe. In addition, we will be integrating our Profile Management Eco-System (Wallet and PUT) into our China Influencer Marketing Platform App so our Brand clients and our KOL’s can transact in PUT’s. We have an incentive plan that will be released to allow the facilitation of these transactions.

In roughly three to four months we will develop an Enterprise KOL management platform for Brands to self-administer their own KOL campaigns and use our Profile Management Eco-System (Wallet, Smart contracts, PUT). Again, this will only increase the PUT/PMES usage which should increase our value.

Nextblock: There is very little total amount of coins. Are you considering increasing the amount out there by the split? (there is a positive example from PundiX)

Robin8: Currently, we are not considering doing a split. We don’t think it makes sense at this time. Also, in the case of PundiX we don’t think it helped them.

Nextblock: The current price or the buyback price is one tenth of ICO price. What do you think the reason is, and do you have a countermeasure?

Robin8: The current PUT price is undervalued. As you can see the drop in the PUT price is in line with QTUM and the other dapps in the current market condition.

This is uncommon for technology stock to move with the market until the investors can tell which good projects are. For example, you see this throughout history such as Apple, Yahoo and Amazon where they too experienced such volatility.

Our counter measure is to build out our technology and get customers to use it at scale. We already have big companies willing to use Robin8 as their first Blockchain project. Once we’re able to we will release information on which companies these are, for now confidentiality doesn’t allow us to. In addition, we will be introducing the Robin8 PMES mainnet and the whitepaper will be available next month.

As illustrated in our announcement this week, the most valuable crypto projects are Mainnet projects that include, Neo, Ethereum, QTUM.

Nextblock: What is the reason behind the current buyback policy? It seems counterintuitive.

Robin8: The reason behind the buyback and the swap is to show the community that we have confidence in the PUT and our projects.

The swap is an opportunity for those who stay committed to us to get a bonus when we build the Mainnet.

Technology platforms take time and scale very effectively. History has proven this (Amazon, Apple, etc.). We have a great, highly qualified team and we want to be sure we reward our investors as well as our human and product assets for the long haul.

As part of this swap we will start to work on a deep dive of our own Mainnet. The Mainnet will allow us to not only control our own destiny for D-apps with our own product application strategy as well as bring on diverse clients across industries.

This is our platform logic to ensure we are able to collect GAS as well as provide a flexible and scalable solution for clients and ourselves to build off of. This is analogous to building our own Amazon Web Service with our Profile Management Eco-System.

As announced, in November, we will have a first release of our Mainent to offer our own Cryptocurrency (to be swapped with our QTUM based PUT Token) which again adds many economic benefits such as collecting GAS and also giving us a superior platform that is scalable and fast where others are not able to execute on due to legacy architecture of other common Blockchain structures.

In addition, we will buyback the PUT at the current rate so for those investors that don’t want to wait for the mainnet they don’t have to pay the fees for the exchanges. This way for those investors that want out they can get out if they choose to without waiting until Nov. 1, 2018.

Nextblock: Do you have a full capacity of doing buyback at the point where the price is low?

Robin8: Yes, we have the capacity to buyback the PUT when the price is low. We have been doing buyback for the last 2 months starting when the price was .40.

Nextblock: QTUM Dapps seem to have a hard time being listed and the plan for that was EPUT. Why change of plan?

Robin8: We are no longer doing an EPUT because instead of launching the EPUT we will be introducing the the R8CC in Nov. Furthermore based on other dApps that issued an ERC20 token, we don’t believe the EPUT will help the PUT price and would be an additional administrative burden to manage.

Nextblock: If EPUT is cancelled, are we supposed to give up on hope of more listings before Mainnet launch?

Robin8: This is explained in 4 as Nov 1 would be the opportunity for our Mainnet to be launched to allow for our own Cryptocurrency to be issued. Once we launch R8CC we will list with more exchanges as there are currently obstacles for QRC20 tokens to list on exchanges that may be incompatible or have a slower process of onboarding for such tokens.

Nextblock: What is the exact timeline for Mainnet launch and current progress?

• Nov 1 — First Release of Mainnet for new Crypto coin to swap with PUT
• Full Mainnet — End of year
• Blockchain/PMES visual roadmaps attached — Refer to Attached Visuals
o Exchange
o MainNet
o Wallet

Figure 1. PMES Roadmap.

Nextblock: Do you have capital for listing on large exchanges at this point? What are your plans for future listing?

Robin8: Yes, we have capital for listing on big exchanges. The problem now with listing on exchanges is many exchange don’t easily list QRC20 tokens. This is one of the reasons why we are building our own mainnet and replacing the QRC20 with the R8CC.

Nextblock: We investors thought that token issuance from EPUT airdrop would compensate current holders to some extent. But this plan fell apart and compensation for holders are now gone. What would be the reason for keeping your token from now on?

Robin8: We feel the Mainnet strategy is a more powerful strategy as we have been building our world-class engineering team that has allowed for this execution. We apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused but we strongly believe our own Mainnet will provide a bigger PMES economy.

Nextblock: What are the detailed plans for PMES launching?

Robin8: Please see the detailed roadmaps below:

Figure 2. Exchange Roadmap.

Figure 3. Mainnet Roadmap.

Figure 4. Wallet Roadmap.

Nextblock: What are your movements for promoting Robin8’s ecosystem such as future partnerships?

Robin8: We have several big partnerships we are working on including Geometry one of the largest shopper agencies in China with 800,000 promoters. We are in the process of onboarding their 800,000 promoters in our app.

We are partnering with several global 4As as well as a Global leader in analytics, BI & data management solution on adding their data and clients on the Robin8 PMES. We are in the process of testing several use applications and we hope to announce this big partnership very soon.

In addition, we will be integrating the PMES and PUT into the Robin8 app this summer. We hope to have this complete by the end of August and all our influencer campaigns will be paid in PUT’s.

Nextblock: Are there reasons for buying and holding Robin8 at this point?

Robin8: Yes, the Mainnet is the biggest economy play we have while we continue to build and integrate our PMES into our applications as well as our client’s applications. Both efforts will allow for the PUT to be used and consumed by companies and users which will lead to greater value and price appreciation

Nextblock: We think the big part of the reason that investors trust is gone is communication. We are aware that the external activities are ongoing. However, communication toward token holders who take part in Robin8’s ecosystem is not ideal. What is your plan for that? (Big chunk of Robin8’s tokens belong to Koreans. And Korean investors have determined that Robin8 has already failed.)

Robin8: We have been putting together a dedicated Marketing and Communications team to not only address our investors and partners in Korea but also with our Asian and Global constituents. We also are looking to partner with more local marketing and communication firms.

Lastly, you will see more of a presence from us in country through various events (hackathons) and meet ups in the upcoming months. We want to show our community how committed we are to promoting Robin8 PUT and our future plans.

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Robin8 is a technology company focused on profiling, ranking and matching people. The platform is powered by big data and machine learning.