Biweekly Report of June 23-July 6th

4 min readJul 8, 2018


Welcome to the Robin8 Biweekly Update of June 23rd to July 6th. Learn about our development progress and latest news from this update brought to you by the Robin8 team.

Profile Data Management System

The following methods were implemented:

  • Refill balance with PUT tokens
  • Get balance for addresses from the QRC20 list
  • Add the ability to pay for content with PUT tokens

Web user interface implementation for working with PMES

The following methods were implemented:

  • Add information about transaction number and its status (when pending) where we write something to the blockchain
  • Get balance for PUT addresses
  • JS library for easy integration to the external services

Cryptocurrency Exchange

The following methods were implemented:

  • Creation of interface for exchanger function
  • Public API is an interface (without implementation of exchanger) of interaction with external services, to provide the functionality of exchange for QRC20, ETH, BTC, Litecoin, QTUM.
  • Deposit function of Exchanger: Interpretation of blockchain parsing daemon, that simulates deposits, finds where coins originated and push notifications to the bot.
  • Trade Machine manual testing: the creation of test-cases and manual testing of trade machine.


The following methods were implemented:

  • Display transaction history
  • Support QRC20 smart contracts in the web user interface (sending QRC20 tokens, creating smart contracts, deploying smart contracts, calling smart contracts functions, etc.)
  • Display balance for each address from the QRC20 list that was present in the transaction history
  • Get balance for each address from the QRC20 list
  • Refill wallet with the QRC20 PUT token
  • Send QRC20 coins from one wallet to another one
  • Added ability to work with smart contracts: (1) Create QRC20 Smart Contract; (2) Deploy QRC20 Smart Contract; (3) Interact with QRC20 Smart Contracts by calling functions
  • JS library for easy integration to the external services was extracted from the web client.

Operation and Marketing

Robin8 and SeekRoad Hosted 2nd Tech Meetup at Xi’an Tencent Incubation Center

Robin8 attended the “Let’s talk about Silk Road and Blockchain” meetup held on June 28th at the Tencent incubator in Xi’an. The SeekRoad team cycled 1,500km from Shanghai to Xian, reaching a milestone and shared their achievements in June. The event attracted around 30 cyclers and blockchain enthusiasts.

As the main sponsor of the SeekRoad team, Robin8 also co-hosted the first meetup in Shanghai Wework with the same theme. Twelve additional tech meetups are planned as they cycle along the ancient Silk Road from Shanghai to the U.K.

The SeekRoad ( team, consists of Chaewon Yoo, a previous tech reporter at China-based tech media TechNode and Jianan Li, a previous Aliexpress e-shop owner, plans to cycle from Shanghai to London, organizing 14 tech meetups and interviewing startup entrepreneurs on the ancient Silk Road (the areas of today’s One Belt and One Road Initiative) from June 2nd, 2018 to March, 2019. The team will cycle along Silk Road through 13 countries, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, France and the U.K. and then come back to South Korea, Chaewon’s home country.

Robin8 CEO Moderates Panel at Asia Blockchain Summit

On July 2nd and 3rd, Robin8 founder and CEO Miranda Tan attended Asia Blockchain Summit held in Marriott Taipei. Organised by ABA, BlockTempo and BITZANTIN, this event brought together industry experts and market players to explore regulations, trends in innovation and challenges in the blockchain technology industry. Among the speakers were Binance CEO CZ Zhao, and the founder of Litecoin, Charles Lee.

Miranda moderated a panel themed, “Women In Blockchain.” She spoke of how the field is still male-dominated. “Women should be encouraged and encourage themselves to chase their dream in technology, especially potentially disruptive technologies such as blockchain,” Miranda said.

Robin8 was also the official sponsor of the Asia Blockchain Summit After Party. Over 400 people attended the after party. It was quite a success and helped spread the word about Robin8 PUT in the Taiwan Blockchain space.

In the future, we will market more of these events on our social media so stay tuned! Follow our Medium to keep up with our Bi Weekly reports, news and curated content from our team.

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Robin8 is a technology company focused on profiling, ranking and matching people. The platform is powered by big data and machine learning.