Robin8 Biweekly Report August 4th — August 17th

5 min readAug 20, 2018


Welcome to the latest Robin8 Biweekly Report. Learn about our development progress and latest news from this update brought to you by the Robin8 team.

Tech Progress

Profile Management EcoSystem

Link to the sources in the Github:

The ability to increase the speed of the PMES by increasing the number of threads was found. It allows processing more requests in a parallel way. This solution is based on customization of the production server settings. This improvement speeds up a server in 4 times.


Determined and added by default ABI for interaction with smart contracts. The ABI (Application Binary Interface) is a .json file that describes the deployed contract and its functions. It allows to contextualize the contract and call its functions. Therefore, when a user calls smart contracts functions he should specify it. But, it is not convenient and time-consuming to look for the ABI to execute standard QRC20 or ERC20 functions. Therefore, default ABI was determined and added to the wallet. User could add specific functions to the ABI also.

QR code for the currency address was added. When user refills his wallet he should enter wallet address. This address is long and user could make a typo and send money to the wrong wallet. QR code displaying was added to solve this problem. So, user has an ability to share his wallet address in a convenient way.

(Screenshot of the QTUM cryptocurrency wallet information with QR code as the wallet address)

The wallet was deployed on the dedicated European server for the testing needs.

KOL Exchange

Support of Ethereum standard (ERC20) for KOL tokens creation was added — this will let ability to influencers create Ethereum tokens using our Exchange. Ethereum is the most popular smart contract for creating tokens and has the best infrastructure for development.

Trade Mining web interface for KOL Exchange was created. This section contains a description of Trade Mining, a scale of realized tokens by KOL Exchange, indicators of how much the average amount of the trade minded tokens per week and day, and how many tokens the user receive.

(Screenshot of the Trade Mining web interface)

Separation of user online chat to different channels (topics) was done. Now online user chat has the following topics: KOL, Bitcoin, Ethereum, PUT token, Main, KOL. To improve user experience chat window size could be changed.

(Screenshot of the online chat with different channels)

Marketing and Operation

Robin8 announced new partnership with KMCIC

Robin8 has announced strategic partnership with Kantar Media CIC (KMCIC) , China’s leading social intelligence consultant firm. The two will work together on KOL profiling using blockchain technology to bring a revolutionary change to China’s influencer market.

Robin8 will provide KMCIC with it’s proprietary blockchain solution to evaluate KOL’s performance, thus enabling better evaluation of China’s KOL market and bringing transparency to advertisers.

Robin8’s core technology is its proprietary NLP engine and PMES solution that allows Robin8 to profile, rank and match millions of people down to a science based on their social media data and allow any application to add their social data to the blockchain. The platform is powered by big data and machine learning and has profiled over 30 million influencers in China.

KMCIC launched its Cooperator XI product in June 2018, the automated social insight, performance tracking and marketing tool which is designed to evaluate the real performance of KOLs and then share with market. KOLs’s performance will be evaluated based on the actual user opt-in. KOLs will claim their profile on blockchain and their activities will be recorded and stored on the blockchain. And the advertisers can trust the veracity of the data they see.

Robin8 Launches World’s First Daily Ranking for China Wechat Influencers in 26 Categories

Robin8, China’s first social media influencer search engine platform recently launched daily influencer ranking for 26 Categories of on WeChat. This means for the first time ever users and advertisers will be able to know who the top influencers are on a daily basis.

The ranking results will be updated every day at noon, China time. The ranking results is based on posts analysis for the past 21 days to reflect latest hottest trends and the most popular KOLs in market. The company plans to launch 7 days and 14 days option soon. Advertisers can click on the KOL names to review individual profile analytics.

(Robin8’ KOL Ranking)

Robin8 Launches Monthly Ranking for Wechat Fashion Influencer

Robin8, China’s first social media influencer search engine platform recently launched a monthly ranking for fashion influencers on WeChat. The ranking lists top 15 fashion influencers and indicators such as total views and likes. Users can look at the ranking and know who they are.

According to the ranking list, all the top 15 influencers have posted at least one article that has more than 100,000 views. Top the list is ellchina, a fashion KOL that generated most views and likes.

The ranking results is based on posts analysis for the past 21 days to reflect latest hottest trends and the most popular KOLs in market. Robin8 uses big data and machine learning to profile users and KOLs and providing trusted data for KOL market. Not long ago, Robin8 launched world’s first daily influencer ranking for 26 Categories of on WeChat. This means for the first time ever users and advertisers will be able to know who the top influencers are on a daily basis.

Look at the list and find out the one you want follow!

(Robin8 Launches Monthly Ranking for Wechat Fashion Influencer)




Robin8 is a technology company focused on profiling, ranking and matching people. The platform is powered by big data and machine learning.