Robin8 PUT Review

5 min readJun 19, 2018


In the past few months we’ve released the profile management system, we’ve continued to refine it and most recently we held a Hackathon in Kiev, Ukraine to jumpstart the building of applications on PMES. We will be releasing an article that details the reasons we did a Hackathon, the 8 projects that were built that day and shed some light on the winners of the competition.

This was the first of many we will be doing worldwide. These types of events are fueled by our goal to develop a community of developers that implement. PMES in their applications. As more developers join, the ecosystem will grow and our token can be used in all of the applications where PMES is implemented.

Our vision has always remained the same which is giving back control of the profile to users. PMES allows users to monetize profile data on the Blockchain.

Thank you for all of your support thus far, Robin8 has a bright future ahead, our Blockchain development team has built and is continuing to improve PMES and are engaging with the developer community to implement our technology.

Robin8 is poised to become the primary profile data management system provider in the technology industry.

PUT Price since ICO on January 8

PUT has performed in line with Qtum and other QRC20 Tokens.

  • PUT 87.9% Decline
  • Qtum 87.4% Decline

Other QRC Tokens

  • Cfun 89.4% Decline
  • Ink 87. 8% Decline
  • Bodhi 67.4% Decline
  • SpaceChain 94.3% Decline

PUT Published ICO Roadmap vs Actual

Below please find the results of our efforts. As a result of the team’s hard work we are ahead of schedule as of June with better features than expected when we initially began progress during on the technology we were building during our ICO.

Pre v1.0 PUT Roadmap target (ICO Roadmap published on website)

Robin8 already has a ledger system for making payments to personal influencers based on social sharing. The next step is to develop a secure vault using zero knowledge or other appropriate algorithm to ensure customer privacy is an important piece of the PUT ecosystem and deployed in Robin8. Robin8 is already measuring Profile completeness and estimated value for each advertising campaign and distributing payments to the influencers using this system. We expect to have this completed by April 2018.

Pre v1.0 PUT Actual Results as of June 15 (Current Status)

  • Launched Robin8 Global App that supports privacy
  • Beta testing payments that support crypto wallets
  • Published PMES (Profile Management EcoSystem) to GitHub. PMES contains payment system, privacy and content publishing to Blockchain
  • Launched first Hackathon — Obtained up to 8 viable commercial products

PUT September Milestone per ICO PUT v1.0

PUT v1.0 Target (ICO Roadmap published on website)

PUT wallet will be integrated with the Robin8 Mobile App Verification and transactions will be handled by Robin8’s internal Zero Knowledge Proof ledger system to protect individual user anonymity from advertisers, publishers and third parties. Ad inventory will be valued, and transactions will be calculated from reported Profile Utility data. This will be released by September 2018.

Updated Forecast (Current Status)

By September, PMES is targeted to become the world’s first interoperable Profile Utility integrated into a Blockchain. The Mainnet will be Decentralized, autonomous and Open source.

  • PMES will be fully functional software as part of the Robin mobile app
  • Will include crypto wallet that exchanges with other tokens
  • “Gas” payments will be integrated for using PMES
  • Beta of “Mainnet” that will convert PUT from QRC20 token to cryptocurrency coin
  • Beta of integrated “layer” to allow interoperability in PMES

November Milestone per ICO — Post PUT v1.0

Post PUT v1.0 Target (ICO Roadmap published on website)

The goal is to make the transfer and verification process entirely distributed on Qtum using a scheme with Zero Knowledge Proof protocol to ensure user privacy.

We will also add alternate metrics based on advertiser, influencer or follower feedback. This will allow for full user privacy as well as a decentralized audit trail for advertisers, influencers, publishers and followers to ensure the receipt of correct payments for advertising work compensated within the PUT network. The estimated release date is November 2018.

By November, PMES includes a beta Mainnet that supports integration into other Apps and crypto currencies. The integrated wallets make transactions easy and autonomous.

Updated Forecast (Current Status)

  • PMES will be user controlled data privacy and analysis system
  • Will included Crypto Wallet that allows exchange with other tokens
  • “Gas” payment system will be operational and collecting fees
  • Begin swap of current PUTs into new PUT based on Robin8 Blockchain

2019+ Milestone per ICO — Post PUT v1.0

Our vision has always remained the same, to give power back to the users by allowing them to monetize and control their profile. The Company strategy will do for managing Profiles what Apple did for phones. The PUT is to become the trusted center of the personal profile.

Mobile App as platform/PUT (ICO Roadmap published on website)

Further profile usage metrics based on advertiser feedback as needed. Partners building applications on the PUT infrastructure. Also, at this point we plan to explore value-added services that can be offered to consumers on the App platform through PUT. These applications will launch in 2019.

Updated Forecast (Current Status)

  • PMES will be deeply integrated into Mobile Apps both our China and Global app
  • Advertising will be an important market but Open Source Mainnet and PMES will support many industries
  • Robin8 is aiming to becoming the world’s first fully vertically integrated Blockchain with the Profile as the core

How are we Executing

Robin8 as a business is doing well and customers are responding positively to PMES and future plans to implement this in their systems and ours. We are pitching to new clients every week to use PMES to work better with influencers, or manage them, among other components. We’ve already secured key technology companies as clients to implement this technology.

  • We are building a world class global team to execute on the Robin8 PUT strategy.
  • Team of 40 in China building business and technology
  • A Ukraine team of 20 focused on Blockchain
  • An international team of 10 in New York, Germany and Singapore for global business and creating an integrated Product

Our shift to PUT Mainnet will drive PUT much higher

Figure 1.

Robin8 PUT Now and the Future

We appreciate the support the community has had for us and the feedback we’ve received. We want to show the community that we do care and plan to provide benefits to PUT holders for a long period of time. PUT is a long term investment that is tied to the first interoperable profile data system in the world.

Below is our proposal for how we will move forward:

  • Starting Nov. 1 2018, we will swap 1 PUT: 1 R8CC one time and then every 3 months during the 1 year automatically send 0.5 R8CC for 1 PUT
  • In this case, investors will get 3 R8CC for 1 PUT but during the 1 year.
  • After PMES mainnet and new R8 cryptocurrency will be issued the QRC20 PUT tokens will be impossible to buy.


  • 1PUT:1R8CC and every 3 month, 1PUT:0.5R8CC = 3 R8 new Cryptocurrency for 1 PUT during the first year.
  • PMES Mainnet whitepaper will be ready on July 16, 2018.

To keep up with our updates on product development, operations and marketing, through the Biweekly updates, please follow our Medium along with other social media:






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Robin8 is a technology company focused on profiling, ranking and matching people. The platform is powered by big data and machine learning.