I Was A Climate Change Denier

Robin Glover
2 min readOct 22, 2023

About 20 years ago, somewhere around the release of An Inconvenient Truth when human-made climate change first became a hot topic, I was kind of against the idea of it.

I wasn’t fervent in my opposition. I just kind of gave it a furrowed brow, smushed-up facial expression that said “really?”

I didn’t think that much damage could have been done that fast. I mean, c’mon, the Earth is billions of years old. What damage could a 100 years do?

Plus, these people are just out there trying to make money and the media is fear-mongering for ratings.

It was all a scam.

I think it was a fair reaction, at first. Skepticism is a good thing. To a point. We’ve seen what happens when it turns belligerent.

Looking back, I don’t think it was about “being scammed” or anything like that. It was about guilt. I felt guilty.

Is this our fault? And, in turn, my fault? All these conveniences of modern life that I enjoy are (inconveniently) killing the planet.

Do I need to change my life and make sacrifices? What if I don’t want to?

Those were the real feelings.

And I think that’s what steers a lot of people away from accepting the fact of human-made climate change today. They don’t want to…

